Martha’s Vineyard Senior 8.0 tennis team makes sectionals

Back row, left to right: Penny Franklin, co-captain, Mary Breslauer, Connie McHugh, Ardell Otten, Sally Anderson, Debbie Cooper, Susie Safford; front row: Sue Kimball, captain, Catherine Urban, and Joanne Lachowitz. — Photo courtesy of Penny Franklin

The Vineyard senior women’s 8.0 tennis team had an amazing run, winning the Cape districts and making it to the Sectional final matches at the Bass River Tennis Club in Beverly. The unique format brought together 4.5 players (captain Sue Kimball, co-captain Penny Franklin, and Debbie Cooper) with 3.5 players (Joanne Lachowitz, Ardell Otten, and Susie Safford) to form doubles teams. Also, a group of 4.0 veteran players; Mary Breslauer, Sally Anderson, Connie McHugh, and Catherine Urban paired up in several matches throughout the season.

Over a weekend of tough play, the Vineyarders beat Vermont, Eastern Massachusetts, and Rhode Island before losing the final two out of three matches to Southern Connecticut, who will continue on to represent New England at the National Championships next April in Surprise, Arizona.