Today the Aquinnah Public Library Summer Series continues with Duncan Caldwell whose talk is titled, “The Birth of Our Genius: the tool that changed us from head to foot.” I don’t know what that tool is, but I’m sure it will be mentioned in the talk, at 5 pm at Old Town Hall. Arnold Zack’s talk next Thursday, August 15, is called “The Cost of our Cheap Goods.” The series is always free and refreshments will be served.
Speaking of Arnold Zack, he and his wife, Norma, have been enjoying their visiting children and grandchildren this past week. Their daughter, Rachel, and her husband, Charlie Ishikawa, and their two children, Akeakamai and Kealakai, who are four and three respectively, are visiting from Boston. Arnold and Norma’s son, Jonathan, is visiting as well from Los Angeles, but his wife, Lacey, unfortunately had to stay home and work.
The Friends of the Aquinnah Public Library Book Sale was a delightful success, raising almost $400 for FAPL, and more importantly finding homes for about two thirds of the books that the library had to discard. I think it helped that Saturday turned out to be a rainy day and that there were free hot dogs and lemonade to be had (thank you, Alex Taylor, for donating the food and manning the grill). There was quite a crowd of people in the Old Town Hall browsing the stacks for books. Thank you to everyone who came to the sale and all who helped make it happen, especially Malory Butler, Betty Joslow, Joan LeLacheur, Nancy Leport, and her kids Cole and Menasha, Jean Lince, Karen MacPhail, Lisa Sherman, and all of the ladies at the library.