To the Editor:
At our annual town meeting, Chilmarkers will be asked to support a proposed solution to parking and access issues at Squibnocket Beach.
The barrier beach between the town road to Squibnocket Beach and the beginning of the glacial moraine where the land rises up to become Squibnocket Farms is about half a mile long, and it is in fine shape and has no problem supporting an access road, except for the part around the town parking lot that we have changed by building rock abutments. It should be clear that what we have done is what is causing the problem, and if we remove the obstructions we have placed there, the barrier beach will heal and again be a safe place for an access road.
It has been said at public meetings that Article 20, the Squibnocket Beach question, is an all or nothing deal. Take it or leave it. I sure hope this is incorrect, because this is the wrong solution to the wrong problem. The reasonable answer is to do the right thing for the land, stop causing the problems we are creating with the rock walls by the parking lot, fix the beach and let the access road return to the back side of the dune where it has always done just fine. Parking is a different issue, related but different. Parking is possible in a number of locations and can be moved if the situation changes. Leasing a larger portion of the beach is also a different issue, again related but different. We should be in favor of leasing more beach, because it benefits the entire town, as does a new longer term lease.
However, first we must all go back to the drawing board and work together to create a new and better plan.
Chris Murphy