Chris Murphy
The Squibnocket conversation
To the Editor:
Chilmark has a town meeting coming up on Monday, Feb. 2, to vote on the recommendation of the Squibnocket Committee. The committee...
Sound the retreat
To the Editor:
At a special town meeting on Monday, Feb. 2, Chilmark voters will be asked to take action on a recommendation to the...
Better plan needed for Squibnocket
To the Editor:
At our annual town meeting, Chilmarkers will be asked to support a proposed solution to parking and access issues at Squibnocket Beach.
Managing the Mill Pond
To the Editor:
This is a letter I have written to Prudy Burt:
Thank you again for the presentation you put on at the fire station this...
More to come
To the Editor:
Thank you to the MV Times and the Vineyard Gazette, as well as all the participating Island vendors, for their support of...
Freedom vs. a community’s sense of self
I loved your column in the March 21 MV Times [At Large: The 'Not Our Crowd' approach to zoning against big houses].
MVC chairman asks, is lawsuit worth the price?
Recently, many people have talked to me about the Oak Bluffs roundabout.
Put up a parking lot
I keep reading over the articles in the Gazette and The Times and wondering if everyone involved with the Coast Guard boathouse is missing the point altogether.
Verizon directory more worthless than ever
Verizon has done it again.
What of the unintended consequences?
Thank you for publishing the letter from Gordon Massingham and the reply from Herb Custer.