Fred trades in friendship


To the Editor:

I have known Trader Fred (also known as Fred Mascalo) for 30 years, and he has enriched my life. He has not only given me and many, many other people things from his store, but each time I see him he always has the largest smile on his face. No matter whether it is in his store or on the street, he always has a kind word and smile for anyone he meets.

I can remember when I would wait on him at Reliable Market 30 years ago. He always had that same large smile. Then came his store, Trader Fred’s. His first store was small, but filled with his laughter, big smile, and kind words. He has carried those qualities at his larger stores.

Because of a handicap, it is difficult for me to find shoes that fit. Recently, Fred called me to let me know he had a pair of shoes in stock at Trader Fred’s, just the kind I needed. Before I left he commented that he’d noticed a raincoat I had been wearing when we last met was kind of tattered. I left with the gifts of a new raincoat and shoes.

Fred, you have given me many things over the years and for that I am very grateful. The greatest gift you have given me and others is your unconditional friendship.

Linda Buckley

Vineyard Haven