Slip Away Farm

Slipaway Farm Farmstand
Updated June 8, 2017

Slip Away began as the dream of 3 young farmers with land that needed soil building. Years later, and as the only farm on Chappaquiddick, they are vital members of the community. They provide fresh produce, meat and eggs to Chappy residents through their farm stand and CSA, and to those on Martha’s Vineyard at the West Tisbury Farmer’s Market on Saturdays. And they truly celebrate the seasons so check out their Facebook for event notices.


199 Chappaquiddick Road, Edgartown 02539

Link to MV Farm Map


Phone: 508-627-7465

Products include

Seasonal greens, vegetables, and herbs, plus CSA (12, 15 or 20-week shares)

Sales locations

Farmstand open Fri., Sat., Sun., 10am-5pm, May – October

West Tisbury Farmers Market, summer, Saturdays

Chappy Farmers Market, Wednesdays in July and August, 5-6 pm


Slip Away Farm is a small vegetable farm located on Chappaquiddick, a little island separated from Martha’s Vineyard by a 527-food wide ferry ride. Lily Walter started Slip Away Farm in 2012 with the help of her brother Christian and her good friend Collins Heavener. The farm stand is Chappy’s original one-room schoolhouse from the 1700s, on land owned collaboratively by the Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank and the Martha’s Vineyard Preservation Trust, so it’s a special place to visit. With three acres in cultivation, the farm grows a wide range of vegetables throughout the season. They also carry yogurt from Mermaid Farm and poultry from Cleveland Farm and The Good Farm. They support a CSA with 55 Chappy residents and sell Saturdays at the West Tisbury Farmers’ Market and Wednesdays at the Chappy Farmers Market.