Green Island Farm



844 State Road, West Tisbury 02575

Link to MV Farm Map



Products include

Seasonal vegetables and eggs

Sales Locations

Self-serve stand on property daily 8am-8pm in summer / daily 8am-6pm in winter


In 2010, Roy Riley and Susie Middleton started their family farm with a small market garden and a small flock of hens on a property across from the Agricultural Society’s fairgrounds. As demand and desire grew, and land became available, their farm has grown to 650 laying hens and almost year-round seasonal vegetable production. Their customers can see the fields and feel how incredibly fresh the products are while shopping at the farm-stand, an experience they feel everyone should have.


Green Island Farm grew out of the love for good food. Founded in 2010 on land leased from a neighbor, they have expanded from a small market garden to what is now about 10 acres with 650 laying hens and over 40 varieties of seasonal cultivated vegetables. They extend the season with a small hoop house for off-season growing and for seedlings, with their farm stand open daily, year-round. Their primary product is eggs, with a beautiful salad mix and other greens in spring, rolling into summer produce including green beans and cherry tomatoes, followed by eggplant and all kinds of summer squashes for a truly seasonal garden. Roy, a born farmer at heart, provides the infrastructure, and Susie gardens from a cooks perspective considering taste and flavor when she chooses what to grow. Since leaving the publication Fine Cooking and settling on the Vineyard, Susie has written three cookbooks, which she sells at the farm stand in addition to multiple retail channels. Susie remains as an editor at large for Fine Cooking.