Updated June 9, 2017
The Whiting Farm family believes in open spaces and has worked to keep the fields visually expansive so that any visitor to West Tisbury has a sense of space, helping preserve the rural character of the Island. They raise lamb, which can be purchased by appointment. As an artist painting landscapes, Allen shows his work in The Davis House Gallery on the property next to the farm and son Everett raises pigs for his wood-fired meat smoker often seen at local events.
State Road, West Tisbury 02575
Phone: 508-776-4587
Products include
Sales Locations
On-farm sales by appointment
The Whiting Farm has been in the Whiting family for several generations raising sheep, chickens and pigs primarily for family consumption. There are 57 acres under agricultural restriction where hay is grown and animals are grazed. Danny Whiting and Norman Lobb maintain the L &W Tree Farm on Whiting property where they raise an sell trees and shrubs. Allen Whiting, farmer and artist, paints island landscapes, many of which are farm views. He shows them in the David House Gallery which is his home abutting the farm. Allen’s son Everett raises pigs for his business “Local Smoke,” featured each August at the MV Ag Fair.