185 Christiantown Road, West Tisbury 02575
Phone: 508-693-2065
Email: suehhop@verizon.net
Products include
Meat, seasonal vegetables, eggs, by appointment or through down-island Cronigs
Sales locations
On-farm sales of meat, seasonal vegetables, eggs, by appointment in late afternoon or through down-island cronigs
Photo by Lisa Vanderhoop
Christiantown farm at the top of Christiantown Road is known as the place to go for a goat or a little goat knowledge. Sue and Sam Hopkins continue Ann Hopkins’ legacy and raise animals for breeding and live animal sales. They sell eggs through down-island Cronigs and grow seasonal vegetables sold by appointment, with rhubarb, Swiss chard and the most glorious beets being their specialty.
Christiantown Farm’s history begins with Ann Hopkins, an island personality. She raised sheep and was known for her knowledge about goats, providing milk for those people suffering from cow’s milk allergies. A reclusive person generous of heart, she was known to be a friend to wild fowl, abandoned animals and people in need. Upon Ann’s passing in 2003, Sam and Sue Hopkins took over the 18-acre farm and continued with goat’s milk as well as making fresh chevre and farmstead cheese. When the regulation and certifications required to continue the farmhouse dairy traditions proved to be too much for their small scale farm, they ceased dairy operations. These days they have laying hens for eggs, and raise sheep and goats to sell for breeding stock as well as for meat. Their eggs and vegetables can be found through down-island Cronigs, or by calling the farm for availability.