Island Bee Company

—Michael Cummo

Tim Colon and Tricia Sirakovsky, the people behind Island Bee Company,  are partners to many island farmers, for their bees help make things grow. Founded in 1999, their small family-run apiary not only sells honey and bee-based products to the public but also can provide pollination services,  locally raised queens, and full-service hive maintenance.  They pride themselves on their honey being pure + raw as they maintain a  chemical free apiary.  Their honey products are labeled by the town where the honey was gathered, be it Chilmark, West Tisbury or Edgartown. And they even have a recycling program! At Cronig’s, there is a box in the back for empty jars or they can always be dropped off at the West Tisbury Farmer’s Market.


17 Proprietors Way, Vineyard Haven

Link to MV Farm Map



Products include

Local honey, comb honey, beeswax candles, bee-based products, pollination services & queens. 

Sales Locations

Wednesdays and Saturdays at the West Tisbury Farmers Market. 

For more information, read this article written by Catherine Walthers: