Parents with young kids know what Easter’s really about — all the hidden plastic eggs filled with candy. It’s an important tradition for families celebrating the holiday. Aside from attending Mass, I can’t think of a better way to commemorate Jesus’ resurrection. Maybe you have an at-home hunt every year, but we were kids once — we know the more eggs, the better the weekend. Island groups from all over are inviting you and your families to join them this weekend for their community Easter egg hunts. We’ve compiled a list of them so you don’t have to go hunting for hunts.
Pre-game Easter morning this Saturday, March 31, at the FARM Institute in Edgartown, because no one knows eggs like these guys. The event starts at 10 am, and includes an egg hunt and kids’ crafts using naturally dyed eggs. Don’t forget to stop and say hello to the Farm’s Easter bunnies, Clover and Thumper. There will be three separate egg hunts based on age: under 5, 5 to 9, and 10 and over for the more advanced scavengers. All egg hunts will begin promptly at 10:30 am. Bring your own basket. It’s free for member kids, and $5 for nonmembers. For more information, call 508-627-7007, ext. 1101, or email lbrown@thetrustees.org.
St. Andrew’s Church in Edgartown is hosting a egg hunt at 10 Bold Meadow Road in Edgartown on Saturday. It begins at 9 am.
Celebrate spring at the M.V. Community Horse Center in West Tisbury with their second annual Mounted Easter Egg Hunt. Kids ages 4-10 can search for Easter eggs while hand-led on horseback. There will be pony rides, horse dress-up, games and more. All proceeds from this event will go to the horse center’s scholarship fund.
Island libraries are gearing up for their annual egg hunts, all also taking place on Saturday, March 31. Starting at 10 am, you can gather outside the West Tisbury library, rain or shine. Bring your own basket, and stick around afterward for an egg-decorating craft. The event is free. For more information, visit westtisburylibrary.org.
At 11 am, the Edgartown library is hosting Easter crafts and snacks from 11 am to 4 pm. The Easter Bunny will be there for photos until 12:30 pm, right before the hunt. The Edgartown Park Department and library are hosting it together, beginning at 1 pm at Robinson Road Recreation. Bring your own basket. The egg hunt is open to kids in preschool through fourth grade.
An up-Island hunt at the Aquinnah library begins at 11 am. It’s fun, free, and open to all.
The Tisbury Volunteer Ambulance Association is also hosting an egg hunt on Saturday, March 31, beginning at 2 pm. It will be located at the Tisbury Fire and EMS building at 215 Spring St. in Vineyard Haven.
Another egg hunt at Martha’s Vineyard Community Services will begin at 10 am sharp. It’s their fourth annual event celebrating Island Veterans and their families. It is free and open to all, and will include arts and crafts, and healthy snacks.
There’s a Community Easter Egg Hunt on the Ag Hall grounds after the 11 am Easter service with the First Congregational Church of West Tisbury. Everyone’s welcome to come to the service at the Ag Hall and then join the hunt afterward.
Vineyard Gardens is holding its annual Easter day egg hunt on Sunday, April 1, from 1 to 3 pm. It begins promptly at 1 pm, and is on rain or shine. The P.A. Club also has a hunt for kids 0 to 12, beginning at 1 pm. And Elise LeBovit wants everyone to know that snow or no snow, the annual Duck Inn egg hunt is happening on Easter Sunday, at 1 pm sharp.
The Harbor View Hotel celebrates Easter with its annual Easter egg hunt at 10 am, and the Easter Bunny always pays a visit. You can stick around for brunch afterward.
Find more Easter egg hunts in the Have Faith column in the Community section of this edition. If we missed any egg hunts, please let us know by emailing calendar@mvtimes.com.