Our weather continues with its New England surprises; we enjoyed a beautiful sunny day Saturday last, followed by sharply falling temperatures, and now last Sunday evening and Monday we had to raise the flood danger sign again as we were pounded by endless rain.
The annual Oak Bluffs town meeting and election are over for 2018, and congratulations to all those who took the time and commitment to run, whether they won or lost. It is not easy to run for election in a small town, and it is difficult and takes courage to run against incumbents. Congratulations to all who ran, winning or losing. The winners for selectmen were Jason Balboni, who is our new Oak Bluffs selectman, and incumbent Greg Coogan, who was re- elected to his sixth term along with his white Lab Abbie, who campaigned by his side.
My sixth great-grandchild joined our welcoming family on April 3. Nicholas David Rivers was joyously greeted by his parents Nicholas Rivers and Melissa Kallager, grandparents, and numerous aunts, uncles, and cousins.
I need to make a correction to last week’s column when I said Ray Farland was a former Oak Bluffs Fire Chief and that Farland Square was named for him, As several people have pointed out to me, It was Ray’s father, Joseph Farland, better known as Spike, who was so honored.
On April 28, from 6 to 8 pm, the Federated Church Parish House in Edgartown will hold this years’ Celebrity Waiters Dinner. In addition to a meal of salad, spaghetti (with or without meatballs}, garlic bread, dessert, and a beverage, you will have a celebrity waiter. Perhaps it will be Miss Piggy, Cleopatra, Queen Elizabeth, or another celebrity. The cost is $15 per person, $10 per child, with a cap of $35 for families. The waiters will be working for “tips,” which along with the proceeds will benefit the Haiti PeaceQuilts Project. For more info, call 508-627-4421.
Glow Yoga takes place tonight from 6 to 7 pm at our Oak Bluffs library. Call 693-9438 to register. This is for kids ages 4 to 7.
Learn how to build with recyclables at the library on Tuesday and Thursday, April 24 and 26, from 1 to 3 pm. See what you can create with recycled materials on these half-days of school.
Kids of all ages are invited to the library on Saturday, April 28, from 10 to 11:30 am to celebrate Arbor Day by planting your own small garden to take home. This will be an outdoor project, weather permitting. It’s for kids of all ages.
Friday Night Magic in the library meeting room will take place on April 20, from 6 to 8 pm. Join others as they play the collectible card game Magic: The Gathering. Different formats will be played each week, on the first and third Fridays of the month. The program is recommended for intermediate and above players.
Sixth grade parents we are reminding you that students must have a TDap vaccine prior to the start of seventh grade. Children typically have this vaccine at their 10- or 11-year-old well child check. Students will not be permitted to begin seventh grade without this vaccine. Please call your primary care provider to set up an appointment. Primary care providers are the preferred method for receiving immunization, or your child can attend the vaccine clinic, to be held at the Oak Bluffs School on May 22. This clinic will be during school hours, and the Visiting Nurses Association of Cape Cod will be performing the immunizations. They will also perform lead screenings, if your child has not received one. To attend the clinic, you must call in advance to schedule an appointment. Please call Amy Chipman at 508-957-7423 to schedule an appointment.
A reminder that parent/teacher conferences will be held on April 24, 26 and 30. School will be dismissed at noon on those dates.
We send birthday smiles to Matthew Leonard and Shelby Ponte on April 22, Gloria Steere on the 23rd, James Moreise Jr. on the 24th, Donna Pacheco, Andy Farrissey, and Lorraine Clark on the 25th, and Patrick Garrett on April 26.
Enjoy your week. Peace.