MVCC grant deadline is approaching


Keep in mind that this year’s Oct. 15 Martha’s Vineyard Cultural Council grant deadline is rapidly approaching. Do you have a great idea for a cultural event? Have you always wanted to start (or finish) an artistic project? A book? A sculpture? A film? Or are you a teacher who would like to enrich the lives of your students but need a little help? Take advantage of this local opportunity and apply for an MVCC grant.

The Massachusetts Cultural Council is using an online application form for FY19 grants, at

All Martha’s Vineyard libraries are available to assist with navigating the online application. Please contact your library for more information or to schedule an appointment.

The Martha’s Vineyard Cultural Council is part of the Massachusetts Cultural Council’s Local Cultural Council (LCC) Program. The Massachusetts Cultural Council is the largest grassroots cultural funding network in the nation, supporting thousands of community-based projects in the arts, humanities, and sciences annually. For more information about the MVCC, please visit