Real Estate Transactions: Nov. 26-30, 2018



Nov. 28, Robert Stillman Armstrong, a/k/a Robert S. Armstrong, Leslie Armstrong, Sinclaire Stewart Armstrong, Elisabeth Eustis Armstrong, Elisabeth Stillman Armstrong-Bushey, a/k/a Elisabeth S. Armstrong-Bushey, Stephen H. Armstrong, Katherine C. A. Young, a/k/a Katherine A. Young, and Robert Chase Campbell Armstrong, a/k/a Robert Chase Armstrong sold 6 Armstrong Lane to John P. and Jennifer K. Bretl for $3,630,000.

Nov. 29, Carol A. Smith and Timothy K. Connelly sold 19 Teaberry Lane to 19 Teaberry LLC for $1,030,000.

Nov. 30, Karen A. Durante sold 106 Clevelandtown Rd. to Barry S. Pailet, trustee of Apogee Holdings Realty Trust, for $1,725,000.

Oak Bluffs

Nov. 29, Jonathan A. Harris, trustee of the Jonathan A. Harris 2017 Revocable Trust, sold 19 Tylers Creek Rd. to John Priore and Douglas Best, trustees of the MVFN Realty Trust, for $1,050,000.

Nov. 29, Joseph A. and Linda M. Re sold 1 Fairmont Ave. to Richard R. and Pamela C. Harris for $680,000.

Nov. 29, Donald J. and Kathleen P. Robertson sold 15 June Ave. to Henry Ryerson and Erin M. Ryerson for $603,000.

Nov. 30, Jack W. Clements sold 96 Pond View Dr. to Stephen S. Burke for $871,000.

Nov. 30, Casandra Hyland sold 2 Sengekontacket Rd. to Eugene S. Smolenski for $825,000.

Nov.  30, Audrey Fleming and Barbara C. Fleming, Personal Representatives of the estate of Olga Gladys Johnson, sold a lot on Vineyard Ave. to James Taylor Hanan 3rd for $276,000.


Nov. 30, Arthur J. and Janette G. Hatchard sold 277 Norton Ave. to Eric R. and Erika R. Dori for $720,000.

West Tisbury

Nov. 28, Christopher C. Remondi and Amy-Lynn Remondi sold 217 Indian Hill Rd. to Crawford B. Del Prete and Jessica Del Prete for $1,950,000.

Nov. 29, William A. Lowell, trustee of the Homer Watcha Trust, sold 350 Big Homers Pond Rd. to Shampoo Beach LLC for $5,410,000.

Nov. 30, Karin Magid sold 85 West Pony Rd. to Red Pony Holdings LLC for $1,000,000.