Woman who allegedly attacked MAGA hat wearer has Vineyard ties

Former Tisbury resident Rosiane Santos in the country illegally

Rosiane Santos was charged with assault and battery and disorderly conduct after attacking a MAGA hat wearer in a Falmouth restaurant.

Former Tisbury resident Rosiane Santos faces deportation by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers after she allegedly assaulted a man wearing a “MAGA” hat at a restaurant in Falmouth on Feb. 15. The red hat, which was worn by Donald Trump during his presidential campaign, stands for Make America Great Again and is popular among the president’s supporters.

The alleged victim, 23-year-old Mashpee resident Bryton Turner, told police he was minding his own business and enjoying a meal with friends at the Casa Vallarta restaurant when 41-year-old Santos began accosting him about the meaning of his hat.

In a video recorded by Turner during the incident, Santos can be seen berating him repeatedly and then grabbing his hat and forcefully pushing his head toward the bar.

Santos was arrested by Falmouth police and charged with disorderly conduct and simple assault and battery. She was also described by police as being visibly intoxicated and slurring her words.

According to statements made by Santos to police, she believed she was being “bullied” and felt threatened by the mantra on the hat. She also said she felt Turner should not be allowed into a Mexican restaurant wearing the hat.

Santos described Turner to police as an “[expletive] for supporting Trump.”

Deportation officers with ICE’s Fugitive Operations Team then took Santos into custody after learning she was an unlawfully present citizen of Brazil.

Santos was released from ICE custody on her own recognizance and has been ordered a Notice to Appear in the future before an immigration judge for removal proceedings, according to a statement made by ICE spokesman John Mohan.

Santos was arraigned last week, where she pleaded not guilty to both charges. She is expected to appear in Falmouth District Court for a pretrial hearing on March 20.

According to documents from the Edgartown District Court, in 2010, Santos was residing on Menkins Lewis Way in Tisbury when she was charged with driving with a suspended registration.

She was issued an alien warning by the judge, meaning she could be subject to deportation for subsequent offenses.

In the video, Turner says “People like that, that’s the problem, the problem with American these days. People are just ignorant. They want to lash out on people who are educated,” referring to Santos.

Later in the video, Santos can be seen speaking with Falmouth police and growing more agitated.

Turner did not press charges on Santos, but the officers who witnessed her again attack the bar patron did.

“The bar area is very narrow, and we had to walk by Bryton in order to exit,” patrol officer Newton Cardoso wrote in the report. “While passing by Bryton, Rosiane hit him over the head again, in front of us.”

Toward the end of the video, Turner watches as police escort Santos into a squad car where, according to police, she was uncooperative as officers tried to put her into the back seat.

“Rosie is not doing too hot right now. She just tried to grab my hat in front of four officers,” Turner says in the video. “Not smart. She is getting cuffed. Have a nice night in a cell, Rosie.”

The incident happened contemporaneously with a Falmouth plow driver spraying slush at Trump protestors on Village Green.

Santos’ immigration attorney, Katarina Kozakova of Joyce & Associates, could not immediately be reached for comment. Turner also could not be reached.

In an article posted on the Turtleboy Sports website, pictures of Santos they say were pulled from her Facebook page show her at various spots around the Island, including one of her in her car driving to Chappaquiddick, along with one of her posing at the end of a dock in either Edgartown or Oak Bluffs.

Santos used the alias “Rosie Desir” for her Facebook account, which soon after the incident was either deleted or made private.


  1. This is a absolute disgrace and should be a wake up call that we `finally` need a “ICE” office on our island and in our Edgartown Court House. When these people totally ignore our immigration laws then publicly physically attack one of us because we want to show that we love our country and that want to make it great again it is clearly time for us to take a stance and say “enough is enough”.
    If this woman is not made a example of that we are a nation of laws and that they must be respected and enforced the tables will turn!
    Our nations press as well as our island’s press have been siding with the wrong side long enough.

  2. bye, bye Rosie
    Hey, how is it that you got a social security number? How did you get a drivers license?

  3. What a shocker! Another illegal alien showing her gratitude for the expression of freedom of speech in this country. Do us a favor. Go back to wherever you came from and stay the heck out of this country .

    • Yikes, you’re right. Spiteful. And a little scary to read “these people” in not one but two of these posts. And meaningless hyperbole….”great again” when was it great and when did it get not great?

    • Illegal or undocumented immigrant is not a race.
      Not sure what you mean by impotent, nor do I read any rage.
      Maybe nativist, but I think mostly those who want people to follow the law, and receive correction when they don’t.
      I think this article is just a bit overly commented on in general, that being its a non issue if law enforcement is doing there job.

  4. it was suggested she is married to an American citizen. Then why was ICE involved? I find that hard to believe.
    Time to look at her whole family and their legal status. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree theory
    I have lots of non-national friends and coworkers and they are angry these people did not come to the country legally as they did. Not spending the time and money to do it correctly really pissed the others off.

  5. let’s be clear about what is acceptable in our society. We can have discussions– we can disagree–we can even yell at people — what you can’t do is assault someone. This was clearly an assault. By the rules we have regarding immigration, she should be deported. Physical assault for whatever reason ( self defense excluded of course) is never acceptable. I just to make sure that anyone who follows this forum knows this is my position. I have a notion that we live in a country that is governed by laws– when someone assaults another person, they should suffer whatever the consequence is.

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