Hello to October, which will hopefully bring us more of this cooler fall weather, which is a favorite of mine. It also brings more wishful fishermen, women and children quite sure that the act of throwing out a line with hook and bait will bring in a treasure that will be a subject of conversation for years to come.
The sound of sirens Monday afternoon alerted us to the fact that there was an emergency on Alpine Avenue. The street was blocked off as emergency personnel, Fire, EMS and Police arrived at the scene of a small house fire, which they got under control before it could do greater damage. Once again we owe thanks to these people who faithfully keep us safe and give us the help we need. We are very fortunate to be protected by you all.
We were so sorry to hear the news of the passing of our neighbor Dale Morgan. The loss of such a kind man, good neighbor, husband, son, and brother has touched many people. We send sincere condolences to his wife Linda, family, and friends.
Starting tomorrow, Oct. 4, the Martha’s Vineyard Boys’ and Girls’ Club starts a new program, “Tumble Time,” with instructors Jennifer and Dan Scannell. The program runs every Friday from 4:30 to 5:30 pm. As space is limited, registration is required, so go to mvbgclub.org, or call 508-627-3303.
Dukes County Sheriff’s office and the Drug Prevention unit invites parents and students to participate in the Law Enforcement against Drugs (L.E.A.D.) program, an evidence supported program against drugs and violence prevention. It is found that when parents are involved in the prevention learning, students are twice as likely to remember and use the skills taught. For more information, please contact Major Sterling Bishop, Director of Drug Prevention, Dukes County Sheriff’s Office at 508-338-7591 or sbishop@dcsoma.org.
Our Oak Bluffs senior center is most appreciative of all the people who worked so tirelessly, resulting in a successful fundraiser for the center on Sept. 8. The fundraiser was held at the Barn Bowl & Bistro, and thanks go to Stan at the bowling center, who has supported the seniors in all their endeavors, and the fundraising committee members: Dona Joyce, president of the OBCOA board of directors, Linda Smith Murray, president of the Friends of the Oak Bluffs Council on Aging, Rose Cogliano, administrator at the center, and Jocelyn Coleman Walter. Thanks to everyone working together, enough funds were raised to support another year of senior bowling and other activities at the center.
Come and enjoy Coffee Corner every Wednesday from 10 to 11 am at our Oak Bluffs library. Enjoy a complimentary coffee and treats generously donated by Tony’s Market. Bring your own mug, and join the Library mug club. An all-ages chess program, which will include untimed chess, timed chess, speed chess, and blitz chess, takes place every Saturday from 1:30 to 3:30 pm. After school Tuesday through Friday from 3:30 to 5 pm and Saturdays any time from 10 am to 4 pm, try TrInktober — a monthlong art challenge created by illustrator Jake Parker. Create a new ink drawing each day in October to improve your skill and develop positive drawing habits. You’ll find paper, fine-point pens, stencils, and this year’s prompt list in the Teen Room to help you.
We send birthday smiles for October to the members of the Oak Bluffs Senior Center birthday club: Judy Shemit on Oct. 16, Chantelle Dever on the 11th, and Dona Joyce on Oct. 17.
We send birthday smiles to Tony White on Oct. 5th, Robert Moreis and Mikaella Blake on the 6th, Ann Knight and SPC Daniel Blake on the 8th, Todd Rebello on the 9th, Anita Landers Billings, Maximus Metell, and my grandson Ben Alley on Oct. 10.
Enjoy your week. Peace.