The Martha’s Vineyard Hospital reported no new cases Tuesday marking nine days since the last confirmed case on Island.
In its daily update, the hospital reported 1103 patients have been tested for COVID-19. Of those 28 tested positive, 1,042 tested negative, and 33 are pending results.
The boards of health, which aggregates confirmed cases tested off-Island, adds two additional cases, bringing the Island total to 30.
Island Health Care (IHC), which is conducting testing at the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School, has tested 436 patients with zero positives as of Tuesday.
The community health center, in cooperation with Quest Diagnostics, town health agents, and others, is set to give a test to whoever wants one on the Island. Of the IHC tests, 378 are negative, and 58 are pending results.
This comes as the state is seeing a general downward trend in positive cases, hospitalizations, and deaths due to COVID-19 and as the state enters phase two, dubbed “cautious,” of its reopening plan.
Speaking to reporters at the New Balance factory in Lawrence, which has made over one million masks to help in the fight against COVID-19, Gov. Charlie Baker said public health data on COVID-19 is trending in a positive direction.
Baker also said the rate of positive tests in Massachusetts is at 4.9 percent and there are 1,462 patients that are hospitalized with COVID-19.
“That’s obviously a very significant reduction,” Baker said. “We continue to anticipate and hope that we see those positive trends as we continue to move forward in phase two.”
The state reported 193 new cases and 38 new deaths Tuesday. The state has tested 653,398 patients with 103,626 positives, which includes probable positives.
The state also reports on probable cases. The total number of probable cases is 3,871 and probable deaths are 136.
The number of confirmed positives on the Island has stayed at 30 since the hospital reported a new confirmed case on May 31. Of those, 18 are male and 12 are female. Eight of the cases are aged 50-59 years old, seven cases are 60-69 years old, six are 20-29 years old, three are 30-39 years old, two are 20 years old or younger, two are 40-49, and two are 70 years or older.
The boards of health have also started reporting on probable cases. As of Thursday, the Island’s total number of presumed positive cases rose to 15, of which 12 are positive antibody tests and three symptomatically positive.
Of those nine are female and six are male. Of the 15 presumed positive cases, four are aged 60-69, three are aged 50-59, three are aged 40-49, two are aged 20-29, two are less than 20 years old, and one is over the age of 70.
In an expanded report Friday, the boards of health reported that 19 of the 30 confirmed cases are linked to another case. Of the 30 cases, 28 are no longer symptomatic and have been released from isolation.
so let me just clarify something. On June 9th , the times is reporting no new cases of covid 19 on the island for 9 days. That means no cases since May 31.
Yet on June 6th they reported that a stop & shop employee tested positive.
Now, a little logic would tell us that there was a least a 6 day period that this information was not revealed to the public. Why was that ? The fact that an employee of a store that many of us visited during that 6 or more day period and we were not informed is totally unacceptable. We have no idea if this person passed it to their fellow employees, who may still have no symptoms, and are currently working there.
Yes, it may have hurt business there, but quite frankly, I am appalled by this lack of honesty by the store, by the hospital staff, by the board of health and anyone else who kept this story secret for such a period of time. Information is key to stopping the spread of this disease.
Please use your brain, on the same day the person was positive was the same day the person stopped working. This person didn’t have direct contact with customers or other employees, I don’t know if you noticed but stop & shop isn’t a hangout area, people go there to work and the person was constantly busy with work. The store was already cleaned so the risk of infection is zero. So calm down Karen.
Memo to our own Dr Fauci: people “constantly busy with work” are still contagious, even before they have any symptoms.
I guess your reading comprehension isn’t that good, the person did not have direct contact with customers and had all protective gear around coworkers, NOBODY got sick from this person, matter of fact this person was never contagious in the first place due to details I will not expose to protect the person’s privacy. The bottom line is that it was not an active infection, meaning it could not contaminate anyone. So again, what should have been reported again? Stop complaining and saying that it’s “unacceptable” without knowing the full story.
… says the person who ignorantly declared, “Covid is overrated”. Jojo, you have zero credibility.
Based on your response, I can see you can’t find words to address what I just said. I know who the person is, we are kinda of close, if you want to freak out for no reason that’s on you. And yes it is overrated, I know so many people who had and were fine. Check out Event 201, do more research instead of relying of MSM to get all your info and maybe you will see that this whole thing is more than just a pandemic. Or… continue being a sheep, you got options.
Also, me saying it is “overrated ” has nothing to do with the facts I told you. You probably debate my credibility because it’s easier to do that than to recognize that based on the details that were stated my buddy was never a threat. You can say whatever you want, this is not my opinion, this was said by infection control nurses. The person could not spread it because it wasn’t an active infection.
jojo– great that you have so much detailed detailed information about this case.
I don’t believe a word of what you are saying. Most of all, you say “this person was never contagious”. And how is that possible, Dr. Einstein ?
I guess your “details” supersede all that the world’s leading infectious disease experts have been telling us. The fact is, that you don’t know squat about how infectious this person was or is. My point was not to debate about any details of the individual involved. I was simply saying that the lack of transparency and pertinent information in the interest of public health is worthy of 3 ” trump’s” — you know, not really lies, like Pinocchio’s, but I am not happy with how this one played out.
And if that’s what you think a “Karen” is, well, jojo, you can just keep your head in the sand and think this is all just a hoax and a tiny flu, and you can try to misinform us with the obviously bogus claim that even though this person tested positive, they were “never contagious” .Some of the rest of us will not take so kindly to being deceived. Karen it is, I guess,
Jojo– you just unwittingly outed this person with your claim of “never contagious” we all now know, it was Clark Kent .
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