Oak Bluffs: Turn your face to the sun

—MV Times

Wise words from the Old Farmer’s Almanac and this Maori proverb: ”Turn your face to the sun, and the shadows fall behind you.” This isn’t easy to do in these stressful times. But we can turn to the shadows in our lives and have a long list of things to complain about: traffic, no school or daycare for kids, people not wearing masks, long checkout lines at the stores, shortages of food, and more that we think we cannot do without. Or how about taking the choice to look at the sun or all the good things we have?

I found that just in my yard, particular plants, trees, and other things bring me such fond memories of many people, some who are still here, and others who have now passed. I have the white pine tree chosen from the many my father planted at the Goodale tree farm when we moved here in 1997, now grown so very tall that its spreading branches shelter the area where some of our late beloved pets are buried. The thistle flowers, given to me that same year by Leona White, who shared them with us from the ones my father gave to her so many years ago, the beautiful Japanese cherry tree given by my three closest friends, and many other flowers and shrubs given to us over the years by children and grandchildren. And all are kept thriving and green by the sprinkler system installed by a grandson some 23 years ago. And the happy memories along with these things smile at me when I look to the sun.

Sincere condolence to the family and friends of Steve Rose, who passed this week. He was a familiar figure, walking between the two buildings of the shipyard in Vineyard Haven and about town. We are so very sorry.

The Oak Bluffs School Blazer Book Mobile will be operating one last day on August 15. The schedule is as follows: 9 to 9:30 am at Nancy’s Restaurant picnic tables, 10 to 10:30 am at the P.A. Club parking lot, 11 to 11:30 am at the Featherstone parking lot, noon to 12:30 pm at the Sea Glen in Royals driveway, 1 to 1:30 pm at MVRHS at the picnic tables by the cafeteria, 3 to 3:30 pm at FaithMV parking lot on County Road, and 4 to 4:30 pm at the Oak Bluffs School. You are asked to wash your hands before you come, wear a mask, use hand sanitizer when you arrive, wait your turn to make your selections, and please only take what you will read. Rain date is the following Sunday, and if you have any questions, email Ivanauken@mvps.org. How great is that to have books come to you, to help entertain you during this very long summer? The final plans for reopening of the schools have not yet been determined.

The Oak Bluffs town offices are now open to the public. The last day to register to vote or change voter registration is Saturday, August 22, from 2 to 8 pm.

Early voting will be at the Town Hall, 56 School St., on Saturday and Sunday, August 22 and 23, from 8:30 to 10:30 am, Monday through Friday, August 24 and 28, from 8:30 am to 4 pm. And a heads-up that the state primary is Tuesday, Sept. 1, from 7 am to 8 pm in the town library meeting room.

We send birthday smiles to Ben deBettencourt on the 7th, Ken Debettencourt and Bob Gatchell on the 8th, John Rose and Liam Farris Hickey on the 9th, Danielle Sedlier, Sarah Trudel, and Eric BenDavid on the 10th, Deb Hammett and my daughter Kati Alley on the 11th, and Terry McCarthy and Richard Mello III on August 12.

Enjoy your week. Peace.

If you have any Oak Bluffs Town Column suggestions, email Megan Alley, meganislandmegan@comcast.net.