“Oh Bushed October morning mild, Begin the hours of this day slow. Make the day seem to us less brief.” –Robert Frost. And are not the days getting shorter and shorter, with it seeming as though we are starting to get more darkness than light? Why does it seem that it is coming faster than usual? I guess we have to get outside and enjoy the sunshine, even if it is for a shorter time. Our neighborhood is once more filled with the sound of the tree trimmers as they remove tree branches and the trees up and down our streets. Some of it seems to be to keep them away from power lines, but also I notice more people are installing solar power on their roofs. It does not bother the birds at all, and the enthusiasm of the flickers, doves, chickadees, and cardinals at the feeders broke the branch on the lilac bush they were hanging from, and they all had to be replaced in a different area. They didn’t seem to mind, and are once again giving colorful entertainment.
I had to renew my driver’s license this week, in person as I am over 79. Once I got an appointment, which was the most difficult part, I have to say the rest was as easy as 1, 2, 3. There was a shelter outside the Registry door, with chairs placed socially distanced. A most patient and kindly security guide checked my name off his list, and told me I could wait in my car until he called me, as only two people were allowed in at a time. Everyone waiting outside was friendly and helpful, and the Registry clerks were absolutely amazing. Big shout-out to the process and the staff.
Another group that deserves accolades is the staff and students doing their very best to provide and get an education. Our fifth grader is doing his remote learning in the sunroom off the kitchen, so I am privy to the way it is working. The teachers have to be exhausted by the end of their day, as they are constantly talking to the students, helping them reconnect to their computers, and giving instruction. I listen to the students responding to their questions and asking questions. Excellent job, everyone.
Please, everyone, keep being kind and helpful, wearing masks, and socially distancing, so we all get through this safely and healthy.
Grab-and-go meals are still available at the Oak Bluffs School between 11 am and 1 pm, Monday through Friday. It is helpful if you would call the school at 508-693-0951 to preorder.
Happy news for this week includes Mark and Bernie Crossland celebrating their wedding anniversary on Oct. 1, and Julian Sedlier Clarke and Travis Clarke became parents of Xena Nova Clarke, who was born on Sept. 2, 2020. Xena’s grandparents Fred and Helene Hall are “over the moon” with her arrival, and want to share the good news with everyone.
The Neighborhood Convention has been meeting monthly since Nov. 13, 1894, October through June, at various houses of worship. Although this group has not been able to meet for the past few months due to COVID-19, they are not over, but on pause, as Sofia Anderson likes to remind us. Everyone’s safety is too important to risk meeting at this time. The Convention is an interfaith gathering of laity and clergy committed to fellowship and service on Martha’s Vineyard. It is not likely they will gather this season, but they remind everyone to carry forth their commitment to fellowship, service, and love.
“The Ghosts of Martha’s Vineyard,” Tom Dresser’s latest book, is now available at many Island stores, or purchase it directly and personally autographed by Tom by checking out thomasdresser.com. The book delves into the world of spirits and ghosts. Tales of sea monsters, unsolved murders, and awesome environmental erosions supplement the ghost stories that predominate.
The Vineyard Independent Partnership (VIP) is bringing back the popular yard and art sale on Saturday, Oct. 3, at 19 State Road, Chilmark, the former Chilmark Chocolates location, from 10 am to 1 pm, with a rain date on Sunday, Oct. 4. Available items will include collectable Chilmark Chocolates T shirts and mugs with the CC logo. VIP focuses on creating community and quality of life for individuals with disabilities on Martha’s Vineyard, along with their family and friends. For more info about VIP, log onto vipmv. org.
We send birthday smiles to Dustin Shaw on Sept. 25, Rob Oslyn and my neighbor Susie Wallo on the 26th, Dennis Rose, Lauren Metell, and Keilla Geddis on the 27th, and Martin Moreis and Zachary Mathias on the 28th.
Enjoy your week. Peace.
If you have any Oak Bluffs Town Column suggestions, email Megan Alley, meganislandmegan@comcast.net.