West Tisbury will hold a special town meeting at the Tabernacle in Oak Bluffs on Tuesday at 4 pm. The event will mark the second historic change of location for a West Tisbury town meeting since the advent of the novel coronavirus pandemic. West Tisbury held its annual town meeting there on June 23.
Within a 29-article warrant Tuesday, voters will be asked to weigh in on a 3 percent excise tax on recreational marijuana, to install a “blinking speed radar sign” by the West Tisbury School, to approve funds to restore and conserve artifacts held by the Martha’s Vineyard Agricultural Society, and to voluntarily ban polystyrene used in food service and in packing materials.
Voters will also be asked to amend town bylaw that covers the animal control officer. In addition to eliminating the word dog officer, the article will adopt language from state law. That adoption will allow the animal control officer more latitude in enforcement, and reduce the need to bring dog owners to court, according to West Tisbury Animal Control Officer Anthony Cordray. Cordray said that among other things, the change will allow him to issue warnings.
One of the more substantial articles asks voters to amend the housing section of the town’s zoning bylaw to better accommodate affordable housing. The changes eliminate many lines of text, insert new language, and define specific types of housing units. The article requires a two-thirds majority for approval.