West Tisbury selectmen voted 2-0 to sign a new three-year contract with Police Chief Matt Mincone. Selectman Jeffrey “Skipper” Manter recused himself because he is a member of the police department.
Mincone has been with the department since 1995. He was promoted to lieutenant in 2012 and chief in 2018. Town administrator Jennifer Rand informed selectmen Mincone’s new contract reflects his old one with the major difference being his pay raise.
Beginning March 31, when the new contract goes into effect, Mincone will earn an annual salary of $150,024.17 plus longevity. Mincone will earn a 2.5 percent raise in year two and year three of his contract. Mincone’s current salary is $145,808.
In other business, longtime West Tisbury Fire Chief Manny Estrella III is retiring on June 30
In a letter to selectmen, Estrella gave strong support for an in-house candidate.
“We should acknowledge Manny’s many many years beyond just being chief with the fire department,” Manter said.
Selectmen directed Rand to advertise the position in January.
Enjoy retirement. You deserve it.
Congratulation to Matt. Good luck to Manny on retirement.
Very disappointing to hear of Mannys retirement. He has done a wonderful job for the town and certainly deserves some time to himself.I bet the only person happy about this decision is Sharon! Best wishes for your future, Manny
Congratulations to Matt Mincone, one of the nicest police officers I have ever met.
I think we all know who the next fire chief is. Let’s keep it in the family wink wink
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