COVID cases continue to plummet

Cases continue to drop. -Nicole Jackson

Updated 9:40 am 

There were 83 new cases of COVID-19 reported last week according to a shortened report from the Martha’s Vineyard boards of health.

In the six-day period of Jan. 30 to Feb. 4, the 83 new cases consisted of 23 reported from the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital, 6 from TestMV, and 10 from other providers, and 44 in-home test kits. Public health officials are monitoring 63 of the new cases and 20 are no longer being monitored. There are 34 symptomatic cases, eight with no symptoms, and 41 with an unknown symptom status. Of the new cases, 48 are vaccinated with at least 2 doses, 1 was partially vaccinated, 22 were unvaccinated, and the vaccination status of 12 was unknown.

The boards of health will not release a weekly report until Feb. 23, but Chilmark health agent Marina Lent will send out daily COVID numbers.

The hospital currently has three COVID positive patients hospitalized all in fair condition, according to communications specialist Marissa Lefebvre.

The number of new COVID cases have plummeted significantly over the past couple of weeks after reaching an all-time pandemic weekly total high of 486 cases at the beginning of January.


Updated to include response from Marissa Lefebvre. — ed.


  1. Cue the “No Good News is Ever Good News” crowd with their jeremiads that even when cases drop we should still be in a state of alarm and masks should stay on indefinitely.

      • Don,
        It would be helpful if you were coherent to craft a cogent response, but I’ll do my best.

        There is no rage here- just a raised-eyebrow observation. I think most readers would find the rage thermometer much higher in your tirade several weeks ago against an innocent chicken who a kind-hearted islander was trying to help.

        Allow me to disabuse a few assumptions about me you’ve voiced previously. I am not a Trump supporter, I am not anti-vax(I’ve had 2 shots and a booster), and I am not a Republican or Conservative Christian. I don’t like labels, but if forced to provide one, I would say I’m a moderate independent, the very bloc that liberals need to provide a bulwark against the radical right but instead alienate with their strident, out-of-touch rhetoric.

        The alarmist, permanent mask narrative is crumbling. There may have been a time for it, but that time has passed. More and more people are saying “Enough is enough” to an open-ended restriction mentality. Consider the following from CNN today:

        “The Democratic governors of Connecticut, New Jersey and Delaware as well as Oregon’s health department have set timelines for the end of their states’ school mask mandates in a sign of the receding wave of Covid-19 and the country’s move toward a “new normal.”

        Do you condemn these Democrats? Are they too reckless for you?

        And to the good readers out there, kindly let me know- do you support Don’s viewpoint or mine? I’ll politely and respectfully listen provided the responses are coherent and lucid.

        • I learned an acquaintance died because of Covid-19 this past October. The young lady presented healthy when I drove her to go shopping October 10. The virus is alive, she is not. I think family moved away so she died alone. Does less than 3 weeks of suffering make it merciful?

    • So, Alex, MASKS are your idea of “endless restrictions”? Seriously? I could understand your endless complaining about restrictions if you were an ignorant vaccine refusenik and were barred from restaurants and travel, but you’re not. You’re free to do and go anywhere. Many states are easing the mask mandates now, and Massachusetts will soon, I imagine. What will you whine about when many people continue to wear an n95 or kn95 since it is proven these types of properly fitted masks reduce your chances of getting covid by about 85% when exposed? A beloved, very young person I am close to is quite ill with covid, having picked it up in school. The other day on FaceTime this joyful child said to me, “I wish I didn’t exist”.

      Wear your damn masks, people, and quit your whining about them. The blithering idiot carbon-Sasquatches in trucks in Canada, demanding an end to mandates, are polluting everything, spiritually, morally, and environmentally.

      Whining about masks while having so little regard for those suffering loss and illness is immoral.

      The question really isn’t “when do I get to take my mask off?” The question is, “How soon do I get to prove to people just how little regard I really have for them?”

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