COVID cases remain low

After a January spike, the Island is averaging about 3 positive cases per day. -Nicole Jackson

The Martha’s Vineyard boards of health reported 30 new cases of COVID-19 last week, a two case rise from the previous week but still a sharp decrease from the number of cases the Island was seeing a month earlier.

Of the new cases five were reported from the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital, three from TestMV, six from other PCR tests, and 16 from over the counter and antigen tests.

Health officials are monitoring seven of the new cases and 23 are no longer being followed. There were 22 symptomatic cases, four with no symptoms, and four with unknown symptoms. 

The new cases consisted of 13 people with booster shots, 12 with either two Moderna or Pfizer shots or one Johnson & Johnson shot, and five unvaccinated.

Of the new cases, eight were aged 10 and younger, five between the ages of 11 and 19, one in their 20s, seven in their 30s, two in their 40s, three in their 50s, two in their 60s, and two in their 70s.

All Island boards of health are scheduled to meet Wednesday at 12 pm to discuss and possibly vote on the Island mask mandate. This comes as Island schools voted to remove their masks mandates commensurate with the boards of health.

On Feb. 15, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health issued an advisory saying that individuals who are fully vaccinated should wear a mask or face covering indoors if they have a weakened immune system, are at increased risk for disease, or if someone in their household has a weakened immune system or is at risk. All people in Massachusetts, regardless of vaccination status, are required to wear face coverings in transportation settings and health care facilities.


  1. Enough already Board of Healths! Please vote to remove indoor mask mandates island wide immediately. We have had few to zero hospitalizations for several weeks now. This is becoming a mental health issue for all of us. Release us please.
    Abbe, Tisbury

  2. Falling case rates are terrible news for the mask zealots who struggle to envision a world in which people drop the masks and go about living their lives again. Consequently, they are quick to trot out their hypothetical victim who we would be heartless to not wear masks to protect. Their position is crumbling, so they turn up the decibel level.

  3. To the island boards of health.
    It’s time to end this. No more masks and no more mandates.

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