Housing Assistance opens registration for Walk for Hope


Housing Assistance Corp. has opened registration for its fourth annual Walk for Hope, which is scheduled for Sunday, May 22, at 1 pm. The walk is returning to an in-person format with walks in three locations — Falmouth, Hyannis, and Orleans.

“After two years of being held virtually, we’re excited that we’ll be able to walk together with our neighbors who understand the critical need for safe, stable housing on Cape Cod and the Islands,” Housing Assistance CEO Alisa Magnotta said in a press release. “Every day, we have people coming into our office because they have nowhere to live. There are no rentals, and real estate prices are out of reach for so many who provide essential services for the region. This event raises awareness to these issues and provides our agency the critical funds to address them.”

 In addition to an in-person component, participants still have the option of walking virtually. People interested in signing up for this year’s walk can do so individually or with a team at hacwalkforhope.org. Funds raised will go to support Housing Assistance’s mission to strengthen the Cape Cod and Islands region by empowering individuals, fostering community connections, and increasing affordable housing opportunities.

Individuals who raise $25 will receive a Walk for Hope commemorative pin. Those who raise $100 will receive a Walk for Hope T shirt. Traveling trophies will be given to the top individual fundraiser and top team fundraiser; they will also receive prizes which include a Fitbit (top individual) and pizza party (top team).

Along with fundraisers, organizers are seeking sponsors for this year’s walk. Businesses interested in becoming a Walk for Hope sponsor should contact Deanna Bussiere at dbussiere@haconcapecod.org.