League schedules candidate forums


The League of Women Voters of Martha’s Vineyard, in conjunction with MVTV, is sponsoring candidate forums again, prior to local elections. They will be broadcast live at 7 pm on Channel 15, and available for streaming on MVTV later. Due to the constraints of the Zoom format, only candidates in contested races will participate, and there will be no audience participation.

Citizens are invited to send questions for the candidates to the LWV coordinator for their town ahead of the forum.

The league is a nonpartisan political organization that promotes active and informed citizen participation in government, in voting, and in influencing public policy through education and advocacy.

West Tisbury candidates for select board will appear on March 29. James Klingensmith, Christopher Lyons, and Jessica Miller are vying for a one-year seat left vacant by the late Kent Healy. Questions can be sent to kristi.strahler@me.com

Oak Bluffs candidates for select board will appear on March 31. There are three candidates, incumbent Gail Barmakian, and challengers Jim Bishop and Dion Alley. Questions can be sent to dmedders@vineyard.net

Aquinnah, Chilmark, and Tisbury have not yet closed their nomination process; forums for those towns will be scheduled in April. There are no contested races in Edgartown, so no forum will be held this year for that town. Dates and info will be updated on the League of Women Voters MV website, leagueofwomenvotersmv.org.