Two people stabbed in West Tisbury

Alleged assailant taken away by ambulance.


Two people were stabbed at a residence in West Tisbury Sunday evening. One man, the alleged victim, received a cut on the arm. Another person, the alleged assailant, received an unspecified knife wound. 

State Police, West Tisbury Police, Tri-Town Ambulance, and Tisbury EMS responded to the scene — a house at 505 State Road. West Tisbury Police Sgt. Garrison Vieira told The Times at the scene that the alleged victim received a minor injury, and declined to be transported by ambulance. Sgt. Vieira said the alleged assailant was transported by ambulance.

The alleged victim and a colleague of his told The Times workers for a landscaping company lived at the house where the incident occurred. Neither the alleged victim nor his colleague wanted to provide their names. The alleged victim said the incident scared him. His colleague alleged the assailant had been drinking and doing cocaine, and became belligerent and swung a large knife at the victim’s chest. The victim, he said, “dove” out of the way, and suffered only a small cut to the arm. 

West Tisbury Police Chief Matt Mincone later told The Times the victim’s injury was believed to be superficial. Chief Mincone said the alleged assailant appears to have inadvertently injured himself with the knife during the incident. Mincone didn’t specify what that injury was. He said the call came in a little before 7 pm, and as of 8 pm police were at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital to continue their investigation.


  1. If only there were a good guy with a gun there….
    People don’t keep people safe, guns do, or so say the 2A proponents.
    It’s an interesting paradox that to them, a gun is just an inanimate object when it comes to killing people , but it is somehow an object endowed with it’s own set of values when it comes to keeping everyone “safe”

    • They don’t call it a peacekeeper for nothing. And there is something called deterrence that makes people think twice before attacking a person of lesser stature thinking that they may be armed with a more substantial weapon. There are hundreds of thousands of incidents per year where people fended off criminal activity while legally armed.

      Isn’t this the whole reason for the arms race? Government after all is setting this example that we need to be armed with nuclear weapons to keep us safe from our enemies and to deter them from invading our rightful boundaries.

      How is this any different from and individual who wishes to protect themselves while traveling through a high crime area?

      I for one see no need to carry a weapon to Chappy but to each his own.

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