Two big events on August 18. My darling Iyla will turn 6. Her party is scheduled for early in the day, so everyone can continue on to the 160th Agricultural Fair.
Take a look at the Martha’s Vineyard Agricultural Society’s webpage for lists and descriptions of events for all four days. There will be oxen, horse, and antique tractor pulls, contests for fastest shucking of corn, oysters, or clams, a tug of war competition, the women’s skillet toss, the woodsman’s competition, games, rides, barns full of animals, the hall full of exhibits, demonstrations and drop-in crafts in the fiber tent. Several quilters have made quilts out of old Fair T shirts that will be auctioned or raffled off. There will be every kind of food imaginable, and music galore by Island musicians and groups. It will be crowded and noisy and wonderful. Come and have fun. Hours are 10 am to 11 pm.
This year’s poster was designed by West Tisbury artist Saundra LaBell. It will, of course, be available at the fair.
The Saturday, August 20, Farmer’s Market will be held at the Grange. Hours will be the same, 9 am to noon. It will return to the fairgrounds next Wednesday, August 24.
Victoria Phillips asked that everyone be reminded of the upcoming memorial for her husband, Ray, who died earlier this summer. It will be on Wednesday, August 31, 3 pm, at the Grange. She, Lonni, and Thomas Lloyd ask that “in his honor, we would love to share memories and laughter together.” That’s an easy request. Ray was so well-known around town that many of us can come up with a multitude of Ray stories. He was quite a presence. For information, call Victoria at 774-563-8135.
The League of Women Voters Candidates Forum will be held at the Oak Bluffs library on Tuesday, August 30, at 7:30 pm. The two candidates for Dukes County sheriff, Robert Ogden and Erik Blake, will be there to speak and answer questions from the audience. Both are running as Democrats and, as there are no Republican candidates, the winner of the Sept. 6 primary will be the next holder of that office. The forum will be streamed on MVTV if you miss the event. There is more information on the website:
The league’s announcement carried the caveat, “Democracy is not a spectator sport.” Please note that the final day to register to vote before the Sept. 6 primary is Saturday, August 27. Town clerk Tara Whiting-Wells will be at the Public Safety Building from 9 am to 5 pm. August 27 is also the first day of early voting, which will continue through Friday, Sept. 2. Early voting hours are 8 am to 11 am at the Public Safety Building, Monday through Friday.
Polls will open for in-person voting on Massachusetts primary day, Sept. 6, from 7 am to 8 pm, at the Public Safety Building.
Mike Colaneri stopped by for a visit last week, and gave me a copy of the book that has occupied him and others for the past several years. Its title is “David’s Slingshot.”
The project began when Mark Mazer was going through his father’s papers, and asked his friend, Mike, “What should I do with them?” Mark’s father, MIlton Mazer, was a remarkable man, a psychiatrist who founded Island Couseling, was town meeting moderator in West Tisbury from 1967 to 1978, and who was actively against the Vietnam War. Mike, a Vietnam veteran, edited the collection of letters and commentary that Mark had discovered, turning them into a compelling historical record illustrated with photographs Mike took during his service.
I will leave this as a prelude for the more complete review that Whit Griswold is writing for this paper.
If you have any West Tisbury Town Column suggestions, email Hermine Hull,