Officers elected for Democratic Council

Jonathan Chatinover and Beth O'Connor, seen here advocating for the Housing Bank in Edgartown last April, have been elected chair and vice chair, respectively. --Abigail Rosen

The Democratic Council of Martha’s Vineyard (MV Dems) elected its new officers for 2023-25 last month.

Taking over the role of former chair Carla Cooper is Jonathan Chatinover, with Beth O’Connor having been elected as new vice chair. Re-elected were Susanna Sturgis and Nicola Blake as secretary and treasurer, respectively. 

“This is an incredibly well-run and knowledgeable organization, with a focus on informing fellow Islanders about core issues which impact us all at local, state, and federal levels,” Chatinover said in a recent press release.

Incoming vice chair O’Connner agreed. “As we look towards the crucial 2024 elections, we will need many voices to come together. MV Dems meetings often feature our elected officials or local and regional activists. They’re a great way to learn more and find out how to get involved,” she said in the release. 

Per the statement issued Feb. 21, “The M.V. Dems support Democratic candidates in local, state, and national elections; inform voters about Democratic positions on issues and promote public participation; and promote accountability of public officials, regardless of party affiliation, by facilitating voter communication with those officials.”

MV Dems meetings are open to all. They are held at 9:30 am via Zoom on the second Saturday of every month. Recent speakers have included U.S. Rep. Bill Keating, Cape & Islands DA Rob Galibois, and members of the Falmouth Gun Safety Coalition. To get on the mailing list and receive the Zoom link for upcoming meetings, email