Happy 100th birthday to Clara Banta Kennedy


Happy 100th birthday to Clara Banta Kennedy, born on March 10, 1923.

Kennedy was born and raised in Buffalo, N.Y. She has four sons, eight grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren. She has lived year-round on Main Street in Vineyard Haven since 1989, but had been coming for summers (from Princeton, N.J.) since the early ’60s, building her family home on Husselton Head in Tisbury in 1969.

Her eldest son, Kevin Kennedy, lives right next door to her on Main Street, and hosted a 100th birthday celebration with more than 40 family members and local Island friends for dinner, cake, and toasts.

Kennedy was very involved in local Vineyard affairs over the years. She was a member of the Vineyard Haven library “Want to Know Club” until her late 80s, and spent years running the Island Food Pantry with her husband, Kevin, and by herself after he passed away in the early ’90s. She is also a proud member of the Unitarian Universalist Society of Martha’s Vineyard, and former member of the West Chop Club. She is known for her generosity and kindness, as well as her intelligence, wonderful sense of humor, and love of her family.



  1. Happy Birthday Clara..!

    Spent a number of evenings with this gracious and kind woman overlooking VH harbor from her deck with many island stories.
    Thank you..

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