West Tisbury: Farmers Market, Lambert’s Cove Beach, Bloomsday, and being unplugged

—MV Times

The cool days and nights have been lovely. We even had a little rain. Not enough, but something. I’m afraid that the wind just dries everything out in no time. Still, our world is green, green, green for now, and everything is blooming. Such a beautiful time of year.

The Farmers Market will open for the season this Saturday morning at the Ag Hall. Hours are 9 am to noon; the same for the Wednesday market, which opens on June 14.

There will be a special town meeting on Tuesday, June 13, 7 p.m., at the West Tisbury School. It is important that we have a quorum to vote on the outstanding regional high school budget. If you recall, the town voted against the budget at our annual town meeting in April. Chilmark has now voted its support, leaving West Tisbury voters to approve and allocate our portion of funding for the high school budget.

Beach stickers for Lambert’s Cove Beach will go on sale next Saturday, June 17, at Parks and Rec’s shed near the tennis courts at the West Tisbury School. The shed will be open daily from 9 am to noon, with extra hours, 4 to 7 pm, Fridays and Saturdays. The beach officially opens on June 24. Contact Peggy Stone, parks and rec administrator, at parkrec@westtisbury-ma.gov.

A reminder from the League of Women Voters of Martha’s Vineyard about their ongoing collection of used inkjet cartridges, a project they have managed year-round for the past 20 years. Drop boxes are at town halls in Chilmark and Aquinnah, the YMCA, and libraries in West Tisbury, Tisbury, Oak Bluffs, and Edgartown. For more information, contact Irene Ziebarth at 202-680-8076, or ireneziebarth@gmail.com.

The Martha’s Vineyard Garden Club “Blooming Art” fundraiser is next weekend, June 16 – 18. It’s always interesting to see the art with the accompanying floral interpretations. It’s also an opportunity to be inside the Old Mill, the only building in town on the National Register of Historic Places. There will be a silent auction item this year, a painting donated by Allen Whiting, along with a copy of his book, “A Painter at Sixty.” Hours are 10 am to 5 pm Friday and Saturday, and 10 am to 3 pm on Sunday.

Mitch Gordon’s gallery on State Road will open to the public on June 17. He is planning a reception on July 15. Check for his hours.

The Granary and the Field Gallery both have outdoor displays of paintings and sculptures, indicating that the summer art season has begun. Check their websites for scheduled exhibitions and openings.

The celebration of Bloomsday 2023 will be held at the Katharine Cornell Theater on June 17 at 8 pm. It will include “Poem XXXVI” from “Chamber Music,” by Phil Dietterich and Molly Conole, a portion of “The Dead” from “Dubliners” read by Gerry Yukevich, Pam Schnatterly as Molly Bloom from “Ulysses,” and performances by Kevin Ryan, Alexandro Y. Chiara, and Ian Chickering. Tickets are $25 at the door, or from Bunch of Grapes, cash or check only.

I was sorry to learn that our neighbor, Tom Wetherall, had died. Tom was a character to be sure, always with some interesting point of view or bit of intrigue he was eager to share. He was a lover of art, gardens, and cats, all of which endeared him to me immediately when we met. He was an unofficial member of the Hull family for many years of Thanksgivings and Christmases, always welcome at our tables. His family is planning a celebration of his life at the Ag Hall, and I will let everyone know when it will be once the date has been set.

A warning to everyone about a computer virus called Trojan that infected my computer. I panicked, of course, being a computer idiot. I went to the police station to report it, and was grateful to Officer Rogers for being kind, reassuring, and not calling me an idiot. Then it was off to the Hospital for Everything Conceivably Wrong With Computers, a.k.a. Martha’s Vineyard Tech, where Brian Athearn was kind, reassuring, and didn’t call me an idiot. Mike’s and my financial future was not in danger, but it was scary enough to experience such a thing. Basic advice was turn the computer off, and take it to be checked and cleaned by an expert.

Being without a computer for a week was not what I expected. I barely missed it. I felt free. I accomplished chores that had been left waiting. I do use the computer to write my column and any other articles for The Times, so was glad to get it back in time to write this week’s column. I thought I would miss emails, but I called my brothers, and we talked. I missed looking up the daily N.Y Times puzzles and checking for news updates during the day, but survived. Life went on.

If you have any West Tisbury Town Column suggestions, email Hermine Hull, hermine.hull@gmail.com.