As I write, it is a chilly November day. It’s Saturday after Thanksgiving, a beautiful sunny day, but cold. I might just have to bundle up tight and take the dog for a walk on the beach and get some of that sunshine into my eyes and Vitamin D in my system. Tomorrow is supposed to be a little warmer again. Perhaps I’ll put up some Christmas decorations.
I hope everyone was able to enjoy some time off with family and friends over the holiday. Our Thanksgiving was very low key, with just myself, Don, and Kiana. Riley enjoyed a Thanksgiving with friends and co-workers out in Arizona, and Amelia recruited new friends at the hostel in Australia for a “friendsgiving” as well. I’m missing my kids like crazy right now but at least we got to have one kid home with us. Riley will hopefully be home for Christmas, though Amelia will still be in Australia.
One of the things I loved about this Thanksgiving was seeing how many people invited others to enjoy the day with them. I saw several posts on Facebook inviting anyone to come take part in their holiday festivities. I think that’s so cool. Hats off to everyone out there who gave back to the community over the holiday. I’m inspired.
The next Neighborhood Convention is on Tuesday, Dec. 5, at 11 am at the United Methodist Church in Oak Bluffs. The topic for discussion is the Minnesingers, with director Abigail Chandler. Bring a bag lunch. All are welcome.
The annual foster parent recruitment and informational event, hosted by long time Vineyard foster parent Elexis Wildanger, will be at 3 Poplar Lane in Oak Bluffs, on Dec. 3 from 11 am until 2 pm. Social workers from the department of children and families will be there to answer any questions. This is an informational event only, with no obligation. The Cape and Islands are in desperate need of foster parents. If this is something you’ve ever thought of doing it is suggested that you attend. The first part will explain the process and questions will be answered. Applications will be available. If you are unable to attend but are interested in becoming a foster parent, please call parent resource worker Christopher Russo at 508-760-0275.
Happy birthday wishes go out this week to Sam Low on Nov. 29, and Violet Cabot and Ryan Ruley on Nov. 30.
Did you get a chance to visit the Artisans’ Festival or any craft fairs over the holiday weekend? We did. Boy, there is so much talent on this Island. And what a great way to get some holiday gifts for loved ones and friends. And it was fun to run into friends and catch up.
Gray Matters: Seniors Conversation is happening at 10 am via Zoom courtesy of PathwaysARTS. Per the Things to Do section of the Times: “Gray Matters is a free, bi-weekly, virtual conversation for seniors 65+ on Zoom, from 10 to 11 am. This gathering welcomes all seniors to a lively discussion covering a variety of topics of interest to elders. Facilitated by Island resident Genevieve Abbot, the conversation is open to suggestion, and attendees are welcome to come and go during the one-hour period as their schedule allows. For the Zoom link and more information, contact Genevieve at or Call 508-645-9098 for assistance if necessary.”
The Island Community Chorus’ Annual Holiday concerts will be on Saturday, Dec. 2, at 7:30 pm, and Sunday, Dec. 3, at 3 pm at the Whaling Church. “Sing We Joyous” will include music from all over the world. For more details, check out their webpage at
Rebecca Gilbert of Native Earth Teaching Farm is teaching an Indigo Dyeing Workshop at Pathways on Sunday, Dec. 3, from 3:30 to 5 pm. Pathways will have some items to dye, but attendees are welcome to bring small, natural fiber items to dip as well. For more information, contact Rebecca at 508-645-3304 and visit
That about does it for this week. Hanukkah begins on Dec. 7 this year and Christmas in Edgartown is the weekend of Dec. 9. That seems crazy. Weren’t we all just at the beach? Time flies faster the older I get. My goal this year is to enjoy the holidays without a frenzy. No crazy spending, no rushing around. I want to enjoy the days with family and friends. We all get so busy and crazy during this time of year that we wind up exhausted. Let’s make a collective promise to take life more slowly and enjoy each other this season.
Have a great week everyone.
If you have any Edgartown Town Column suggestions, email Gail Gardner,