Snow delays opening for Vineyard schools


Martha’s Vineyard public schools are experiencing a two-hour delay on Tuesday.

According to Martha’s Vineyard assistant superintendent John Stevens, the delays were due to the Vineyard accumulating two inches of snow.

Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School also implemented a two-hour delay, according to MVPCS director Peter Steedman.


  1. back in the ’60’s we would walk to school with 6″ on the ground and still snowing, maybe get an early dimissal, but we went, Quincy schools

    • I remember there had to be about 8 inches before school closed.
      New Jersey schools. I also remember walking to school and back.
      It was uphill both ways 😉

    • Those were the good old days, a lot of kids didn’t go beyond the eight grade, segregation was rampant. Are things better today?

      • The only thing that was not better in the 50’s and 60’s Hess was segregation and that only happened in the deep south. Things are a lot worse today. We are a banana republic.

        • Ever heard of red-lining? It’s the polite word for housing segregation. Your boy is quite familiar with it.
          50s and 60s were great for women who were basically shut out of the labor market. LGBTQ could be fired simply for being themselves. It was a great time for white males. Didn’t learn much history, did you? But you’re right, any country that would nominate individual1 for president is trying to be a banana republic.

        • andy– I never realized Boston was in the
          deep south. But I guess there is an area of
          Boston that is referred to as “south Boston”.
          Is that where you are talking about when you say
          that segregation only happened “in the deep south” ?
          Perhaps you were still in the Soviet Union when
          the issue of segregation hit a crisis in the liberal
          north, and missed this racial hatred in Boston, MA
          in the 1970’s, when a successful campaign to end
          segregation encountered racism and violence.
          I like how you ended your comment with the term
          “banana republic”.
          Do you have any idea of what that means ?
          Here , let me help you—

          You know, andy, you have to be careful with some of
          the rhetoric here. Even the slightest derogatory
          reference against a group of people or a culture could
          get you labeled as a “hater”. The term , after all refers to
          a few specific countries- Guatemala and Honduras.
          Some might see that term as having a
          subliminal racial overtone, or even an overt
          one. Given the fact that there many people
          from those countries currently applying
          for legal asylum in the United states, and a
          governor of a border state (Texas) recently stated
          that they don’t shoot these asylum seekers because
          the bad old Biden administration would charge them
          with murder is pretty telling.

  2. We did that on the island too. You wore boots, if your mom drove you it was with chains on your tires. Now everyone has all wheel or 4~wheel drive. School delay for
    Two Inches?! How embarrassing.

    • your comment is embarrassing. Its not about the number of inches of snow, its about the condition of the roads and the timing of the weather. You must understand that the superintendent must consider road conditions of the entire island. Roads can be clear in Edgartown but if Chilmark is covered and dangerous a delay will be called. Its the right call. Its the responsible call. We are talking about the safety of children.

  3. When I worked in the Superintendent’s office, oh, so many years ago, the disposition of the bus drivers as to whether they wanted to drive up-Island roads and if they were safe had a great deal to do with this decision. I imagine it still does.

  4. Keller please note I said 50’s and 60’s not 70’s in Boston where schools were segregated in 1974 by a federal official not by normal ordinary people. A banana republic is a country with an economy of state capitalism, whereby the country is operated as a private commercial enterprise for the exclusive profit of the ruling class. There are banana republics all over the world and not just Latin America. As for racial overtones I am not a bit worried. by the way if you think things are better here than in the 50’s and 60’s you are a small minority. Every metric has gotten worse.

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