Heard on Main Street: Don’t cry because it’s over; smile because it happened.
Selected items from the Martha’s Vineyard Playhouse wardrobe collection will be sold from 10 am to 1 pm this Saturday, Jan. 27, at the Playhouse. There are furs, winter coats, sweaters, men’s sports coats, and more.
Island artist Elizabeth Whelan will lead a drawing class on sketching snow for adults at our Vineyard Haven library on Sunday, Jan. 28, at 1:30 pm, using graphite or charcoal (or dry colored media like colored pencils or pastels). Bring sketch paper. Register at erwhelan@gmail.com.
If you missed signing up to Zoom into the classes with Prof. Philip Weinstein on “Fictions of the 21st Century,” you can still register for Wednesday, Jan. 31, at 6 pm. Or if you prefer, you can see the recordings at 2 pm on the following Friday at the Vineyard Haven library.
The Vineyard Haven library hosts the Great Decisions Foreign Policy Discussion Group
at 6 pm on Thursday, Feb. 1, both in person and online. The eight-week program meets every Thursday, in person and on Zoom. Participants discuss a preassigned topic after reading material prepared by the Foreign Policy Association. Registration is required. More: Contact Ruth at rkonigsberg@clamsnet.org.
Our V.H. library also offers a chance to meet online with the M.V. Poetry Reading Group on the first Monday of each month. A selected poem is read and discussed as a community. No qualifications required, except a love of poetry. This month, Ellen Story will present poet Ono No Komachi at 10 am, Monday, Feb. 5.
The V.H. Library Book Club is now reading Barbara Kingsolver’s “Demon Copperhead.” Their next meeting is online and in-person at the library at 2 pm on Thursday, Feb. 15. You can get the book at the front desk, and sign up with rkonigsberg@clamsnet.org
Need computer help, or someone to sort out your new smartphone? Healthy Aging Martha’s Vineyard has a new program for Vineyard residents 60 and up with a tech pro, who can come to your house. Help if you think you have been hacked. If your computer doesn’t work, the tech pro will help. The service is free, thanks to a grant from the Executive Office of Elder Affairs and with all Island Councils of Aging. To get on the list, call 508-693-7900, ext. 246, or email Cindy Trish at ctrish@hamv.org.
The Steamship Authority is temporarily delaying the opening of summer vehicle reservations to the general public until it works properly. At least they seem to be doing something right this time.
I haven’t been able to attend services at the West Tisbury Church for a while, but was pleased to sign up to get the minister’s sermons by mail — costly in paper and stamps. I just found out I can get it by email. So I quickly changed, because it is better for everyone. We need to find other ways to cut down on costs for nonprofits that will also benefit our climate issues.
I just figured out that my father’s birthday was 152 years ago on Tuesday, the 30th. I was already feeling aged. But it helps a little to remember that he was 68 when I was born. And I will never forget when I first put on lipstick — pale pink, of course — going with a girlfriend to an afternoon movie. He sharply told me to wipe it off, because “only an actress wears lipstick.” I sent this to my children and grandchildren. Now we all live in different times.
Big bunches of birthday balloon wishes go out to Caroline Davey on Saturday. Happy birthday to Suzanne Kennedy on Monday. Susie Thurber parties on Wednesday.
Heard on Main Street: When everything is coming your way, you’re in the wrong lane.
If you have any Tisbury Town Column suggestions, email Kay Mayhew, tashmoorock@gmail.com.