West Tisbury: Great Pond, daffodil sale, M.V. Democrats, and Johnson & Ryan concert

—MV Times

Last Tuesday was the sort of day that makes one glad to be alive, especially in midwinter, when it is such an unexpected treasure. The temperature was in the 50s. The sky was a painterly azure blue. By Wednesday, the clouds came in, opened up, and wind shook the trees and stopped the ferries from leaving port. No newspapers, either. It was a soft rain, though, not unpleasant, and still a mild day. It will turn cold again, with March winds blowing down branches, and pulling up a shingle or two or more.

The time will change to Eastern daylight savings this weekend, Sunday morning at 2 am, although I don’t know anyone who stays awake to change their clocks in the middle of the night. Remember to “spring forward” and set your clock one hour ahead. Our days have already gotten longer. I am noticing afternoons lasting until almost 6 o’clock.

The smell of herring is in the air, according to Herring Warden Johnny Hoy. He has been monitoring the Tisbury Great Pond, thinking about when to have the opening cut. He told me about last year’s opening on Feb. 22, watching the excavator at work. Tom Hodgson had wandered by, and together they watched the first herring, “the intrepid ones, the scouts,” braving the new cut.

It happens every year around this time. Hoy was checking the beach on Feb. 21 this year, but found the pond still too shallow to open. It has to have sufficient pressure to wash out quickly once the opening is cut through. The three storms we had between Dec. 14 and Jan. 15 gave us three free openings, with big storm surges over six feet swamping the beach. Hoy wishes that Kent Healy could see it. Kent had monitored the Great Pond’s movement and ecology; he was a knowledgeable mentor and steward.

I am in awe of nature, of how closely to the same date every year that herring arrive to spawn at the tips of the cove and freshwater Tiasquam and Mill Brooks, how the depth of the ponds follows a pattern, how the cut sends saltwater rushing into the pond, and flushes the standing water out to sea. It’s always exciting to watch, although dangerous to be standing in that strong current.

Nature is miraculous, and it would do us good to heed her patterns. We humans need to learn humility, that we are only one of innumerable species in the natural world. I think the Earth is readying to teach us a lesson.

The Martha’s Vineyard Cancer Support Group will hold its annual daffodil sale next Saturday, March 16. You may preorder bunches of 10 daffodils for $10 each at mvcancersupportgroup@gmail.com. Daffodils will also be offered for sale Saturday morning at Reliable Market in Oak Bluffs, both West Tisbury and Vineyard Haven Cronig’s, and Stop & Shop in Edgartown.

For an extra-spectacular spring bouquet, start forcing some forsythia branches now. They should open up in time to add your daffodils. It will look like an outdoor planting.

Martha’s Vineyard Democrats’ monthly meeting is this Saturday morning, March 9, at 9:30 am. on Zoom. Special guest will be Jack Arnheiter, organizational director of Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s campaign.

On Saturday, March 16, all West Tisbury registered Democrats are invited to attend the annual Town Democratic Caucus to elect two male and two female delegates to the Massachusetts State Democratic Convention. It will be a virtual meeting at 1 pm. Email Cathy Brennan at cbrennan@vineyard.net for the Zoom link. The State Convention will be held on Saturday, June 1, in Worcester. It will be a nominating committee for U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, our senior senator.

Don’t forget the Second Sunday Jazz concert at the library this Sunday afternoon, March 10, at 2:30 pm. The Johnson & Ryan Guitar Duo, Eric Johnson and Pat Ryan, are the featured performers.

Judy Crawford told me that the date and place have been set for a memorial service for Tad. It will be held on April 20 at 2 pm at the Ag Hall. There will be a reception after the service. A reminder and more information will follow closer to the date.

If you have any West Tisbury Town Column suggestions, email Hermine Hull, hermine.hull@gmail.com.