Derby countdown: Gear check time



Two weeks, four days, 13 hours, 31 minutes.

The countdown to the Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby has begun.

It’s Tuesday, August 27, at 10:30 am, and I’m about to hit send on my fishing column. I’ve got newly purchased lures on my desk; my teammate, Dave, is texting me to “get out there and get that bone,” and I’ve got a list of “must-dos” before the Derby begins at 12:01 am on Sunday, Sept. 15. 

My “must-do” list is fishing-related. Now is the time to check gear, buy gear, and/or rehab gear. Dave and I have been stocking up on lures, buying at least two of each. We’ll often start off a day fishing different lures to see what the fish are hitting. If one lure is more productive, we both fish that lure, which is why we buy in multiples of two. 

On Saturday, my friend Kathy and I went to Coop’s Bait and Tackle. A tackle shop is close to heaven. So much goodness in one location. One may go to a tackle shop for a specific item, but it’s pretty much impossible to leave with only what you came for. 

Kathy received a new St. Croix rod for Christmas, and needed a reel and braid. She purchased a new reel and had it spooled with 15-pound braid. While Little Coop was spooling Kathy’s reel, we shopped. I picked up a few more Fishlab Flankers. They were very productive for me last year with the hardtails. 

I also asked Little Coop, a talented fly-fisherman, what flies he recommended for the Derby. He pointed out three pretty flies, all made by master fly tyer Dave Skok. I purchased an Albie Whore, Bonito Deceiver, and Surf Candy. I’m determined to weigh in a fish in a flyrod division this year. 

We’ve got three fabulous tackle shops on the Island, and I frequent each of them, but I’m also going to spend big this weekend at the Martha’s Vineyard Surfcasters annual Used Tackle Sale. The sale is this Saturday, August 31, from 8 am to 1 pm at MVRHS, in the high school parking lot. 

Whatever gear you need, whether you’re a boat fisherman or surfcaster, you will find rods and reels, lures and flies, waders and nets, boots and tackle boxes, and so much more. Personally, I will be buying a new fly-fishing rod and reel. I’ve been borrowing a friend’s rod and reel for a few years, and he’s ready to start fly fishing again. 

Bonus joy: Every dollar spent will feel great, as all the proceeds go directly to MVRHS student scholarships. 

When you’re gearing up, don’t forget to include Derby and state registrations. I was in a fishing competition this month where one of the competitors caught a winning fish, but — ready for this? — forgot to register before she went fishing. She would have finished second overall, and won $5,000. Yes, you read that correctly: Five. Thousand. Dollars. 

So this is a gentle reminder to all anglers: Register for the Derby before you make that first cast! You don’t want to have all your gear in perfect condition, catch that winning key fish, and then remember that you forgot to register.

Here’s the link to preregister:

If you’re on a Derby team, or planning to register as a team for the first time, you’ll need to register your team after, or at the same time as, you pick up your Derby pins.

And don’t forget your Massachusetts Saltwater Fishing License, also required by the Derby. Click here:

Today I’ll change out hooks on lures, both new and old. We don’t want an 18-pound bluefish breaking a weak hook and swimming away. 

Tomorrow I’ll respool each of my reels. It’s essential to fish with all those reels getting new lines for the Derby, so I’ll be forced to fish heavily in the next few weeks. 

The bonito are in thick all over the Island, especially if you’re in a boat. I’d love to hook a few bass or blues on my surf rods, not only to wet the new line and confirm it is tight, but also to fire up the grill and enjoy leisurely dinners with friends who don’t fish, before my weeks and meals are committed to friends who fish The Derby. 

I hope to see you on the beach, with the sun shining, saltwater washing over our toes, and fish on the line.