Sunday, February 9, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Lisa Belcastro

Lisa Belcastro


Saying goodbye to a persistent Island fisherman

“Stephen and Cat want more description. I don’t know what else to say about that night,” Janet Messineo-Israel said, as we drove home from...

Saying farewell to the outdoor shower

What did you do on Veteran’s Day?  I put American flags in my yard, and took a walk around town to enjoy some festivities. The weather...

OctoberFish is the reel deal

Last Saturday, I headed over to Larry’s Tackle Shop in Edgartown for the annual OctoberFish celebration.  The party was already in full swing when I...

The fall colors of October Fish

  The leaves are turning beautiful shades of red, yellow, and orange. I love driving around the Island and seeing splashes of color along the...

‘The toughest Derby ever’

Catching fish from the shore was particularly challenging, and the facts don’t lie.

Waning days of the Derby: Celebrations, frustrations, and an egg toss

As the tides flow from high to low, so did emotions during Week 4 of the Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby. Shore...

A Derby story: ‘The guy who forgot his fish’

Many shore fishermen, casting endlessly and coming up empty, have been asking, “Where are all the fish?” But only one surfcaster asked, “Where’s my...

Kid’s Derby a shot of joy

I love the Derby. Only during the Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby will you hear people cheering at weigh-in for a 16-plus-pound...

Humbling: Fishing the Derby with combat veterans

“What was the best part of your week?” my boss, Dr. Brian Morris, asks every Monday during our morning meeting. I knew my answer...

One Fish, Two Fish, Blue Fish, Filet Fish

The Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby has officially begun. The excitement in the air is palpable. Yesterday, Sunday, was the first day....

Derby days: The happiest season of all

Hold the snow, cue Andy Williams singing, “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.”   For many fishermen, the most wonderful time of the year...

It’s time for our ABCs

I woke up Tuesday morning in shock. My bedroom thermostat read 55°. All the windows were open wide, as was the slider. The wind...

Derby countdown: Gear check time

  Two weeks, four days, 13 hours, 31 minutes. The countdown to the Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby has begun. It’s Tuesday, August 27, at...

The stuff that dreams are made of

I learned about the five species of Alaskan salmon years ago when the girls were only 7 years old. It was our first visit...

Halibut, bonito, and bears . . . Oh my!

I don’t want to wish time away, but I must be honest and share that I’ve been waiting for August like a child waiting...

Surfacasters’ shark tournament: Chasing yesterday’s fish

I’m not a fan of going down a rabbit hole, jumping off a cliff, or entering a quagmire. I have, though, chased yesterday’s fish.  Such...

Fun, family, friends, and fluke

I’m a surfcaster. I love the feel of the sand beneath my feet, the sun on my face, and the waves gently washing over...

Fishing Derby announces False Albacore daily prizes

False albacore. Albies: Fishermen hear those words, and hearts start racing. Albies equal speed. Albies spell fun. Albies say Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish...

We’re gonna need a bigger rod

Sharks and Martha’s Vineyard go together like Stephen Spielberg and movies. With the 50th anniversary of “Jaws” less than a year away, many shark...

The very cool and crucial life of an oyster

Tuesday morning I was at Edgartown Lighthouse with members of the Martha’s Vineyard Surfcasters Association. We were there to teach and help the seventh...