Poet’s Corner: after the downpour


after the downpour
By Valerie Sonnenthal

frogs hop across the road
springing forward as my husband swerves
front wheels spin a mid-August splash
these are the first frogs of summer

torrential hours passed
sheets of rain obliterate
landscape a blur of grey
some green and lightening

flashes alit veins crackled
dogs hid the moon full
rough tides altered shores
we walk beside the remains

scattered, stuffed and sticking out
plastic parts, nip bottles, shot shells
blue glove, walking shoe
faded purple balloon a dead dog fish

summer breeze barely 70
a perfect day after a damaging storm
the pond higher welcomes me
evening clouds hint of fall

our driveway once a pond diminished
our road regraded
some gulleys remain
now night chills to clear days

Valerie Sonnenthal washed ashore in 2005, contributes to The MV Times, is a member of the Cleaveland House Poets, and owns Peaked Hill Studio offering sound healing and Kaiut yoga. She lives year-round in Chilmark with her family and beloved dogs.

Poets with a connection to Martha’s Vineyard are encouraged to submit poems to community@mvtimes.com.



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