Chilmark Town Column

—MV Times

Wishing all a Happy New Year. I thought it would be easy to come up with words for this column, and instead my mind is flitting from topic to topic. I’m writing this with every expectation that the cups of tea and bowls of chicken with carrots and poblano pepper broth poured over Joan Nathan’s matzo ball recipe, featured Dec. 19 in the New York Times, will continue to fortify my body and banish the catarrh well before the Offerings of Music and Light at 5 pm Sunday, Jan. 5, at the Chilmark Church. This offering features the talented Seán McMahon, Adele Dreyer, Missis Biskis, Daniel Waters, Thursday Strings, and the Loon Lane Players.

There is something beautifully nourishing about the making of soup. Here’s the recipe for Joan’s Matzo Balls: Ingredients: 4 large eggs; ¼ cup schmaltz (rendered chicken fat), coconut oil or vegetable oil (kosher for Passover); ¼ cup chicken or vegetable stock; 1 cup matzo meal; ¼ tsp. nutmeg; 1 to 2 Tbsp. freshly grated ginger; 2 Tbsp. finely chopped parsley, dill, or cilantro; 1 tsp. salt; black pepper.

In a large bowl, combine the eggs, schmaltz or oil, stock, matzo meal, nutmeg, ginger, and parsley. Season with 1 teaspoon salt and a few grinds of pepper. Gently mix with a whisk or spoon. Cover and refrigerate until chilled, about 3 hours or overnight.

To shape and cook the matzo balls, fill a wide, deep pan with lightly salted water, and bring to a boil. With wet hands, take some of the mix and mold it into the size and shape of a Ping-Pong ball. Gently drop it into the boiling water, repeating until all the mix is used.

Cover the pan, reduce heat to a lively simmer, and cook matzo balls about 30 to 40 minutes for al dente, longer for light. If desired, the cooked matzo balls can be transferred to chicken or vegetable soup and served immediately. Alternatively, they may be placed on a baking sheet and frozen, then transferred to a freezer bag and kept frozen until a few hours before serving; reheat in chicken or vegetable soup or broth.

Beetlebung Farm is going to be taking a break, so I encourage all of us to stop by between Jan. 2 and 5, 8 am to 5 pm, because they will be closed from Jan. 6 to 28.

Nancy Aronie announced her Chilmark Writing Workshop Dates for 2025. The workshops are Monday thru Thursday, 9 am to 1 pm. The price is $725, and partial scholarships are always available: June 9-12, July 14-17, August 11-14, and Sept 15-18. And there is a workshop limited to only 12 participants Oct 27-30, 9 am to 1 pm for $1,100. To register, send an email to, or send $100 deposit to Chilmark Writing Workshop, 1 West Meadow, chilmark, MA 02535, or Venmo Nancy-Aronie.

Thank you to Kristie Noyes Mayhew for posting photos of a cold winter morning Chilmark Volunteer Fire Department drone-assisted rescue of scientific equipment from a beach in Chilmark by Jeremy Bradshaw and John Mayhew.
I just got word that we’ve lost Karsten Larsen. May you rest in peace.

Here’s to spending more time thinking and less time reacting. Here’s to nurturing friendships and cultivating senses of humor. Here’s to working hard, honing skills, and finding our talents. Here’s to accepting our limits, cheering one other on, working together, and remembering that asking for help is not a weakness.

Holding us all in the light.

If you have any Chilmark Town Column suggestions, email Claire Ganz,