Rosemarie Richard, class of 1987, follows and always has followed any and all opportunities. She is an amazing young woman who loved music and Spanish when she was in high school, and didn’t really know which subject she would pursue in college. Due to a few people encouraging her to pursue music and education, she attended Moravian College in Bethlehem, Pa. This was a big move for Rosemarie, leading her to work with some fine teachers in music education, but also to travel as part of her college program with the choir’s international tour every other year. Rose toured England, and then in Russia, Czechoslovakia, and Germany on the second experience. Prior to the Russian trip, students were offered participation in a pen pal program with a Russian student, and of course, Rose jumped onboard and was paired with a Ukrainian student, whom she got to meet on the trip, and then reunited with 26 years later on a solo trip.
After college, she taught at a private school for a few years, and then at a public high school in New Hampshire. She also wanted to continue internationally in her field, so she decided to teach in Mexico City, and did so for three years. She could have easily stayed there, but a job opportunity came up in Harwich (today part of Monomoy High School) and that is where, many years later, she is still the music director.
I am so impressed that Rosemarie never gave up her love of travel combined with her profession of music education. She has visited Cuba three times, the last time with her students. Not only could she expand her musical experience and her cultural knowledge, but she was able to use her Spanish. Rose has continued to share international opportunities with students by providing guest speakers, visiting artists and/or bands to either come to her school or for her music students to join forces with. Rosemarie, our island community is so proud of you as a multifaceted educator, not only through bringing music to your students but truly international connections. Bravo!
This series runs twice a month. Marge Harris was a teacher at MVRHS for 27 years. She lives in Oak Bluffs. You can contact her at