David Lott
Holmes Hole Sailing Association kicks off season
The Holmes Hole Sailing Association officially kicked off its season last Saturday with its annual potluck supper at the home of Steve and Pam...
Holmes Hole racers furl the racing season
The Moffett Race, run the first Saturday after Labor Day, has been the traditional season-ending race for the Holmes Hole Sailing Association. But with...
Holmes Hole racers race the season
The winds are rising and the temperatures are dropping, and Holmes Hole sailors know that they've not much more time on the water. One...
Holmes Hole standings see a change
Mo Flam lept from the sidelines to the top of the standings Thursday.
Holmes Hole racers take to October waters
Beautiful October weather and the Holmes Hole Sailing Association fall racing series continued in lockstep last Sunday. Eight boats came to the line to...
Weekly Holmes Hole race results
Dan Culkin moves to second place, 0.001 points behind Stuart Halpert.
September casts a welcome light on Holmes Hole racers
In the movie “The Lake House,” Christopher Plummer’s character, a famous architect, passionately admonishes his son, an aspiring architect played by Keanu Reeves, with the...
One season ends. Another begins for Holmes Hole racers
Summer racing is behind them and the 37th Moffett Race is complete, but the sailors of the Holmes Hole Sailing Association are not idle....
Best ever Holmes Hole season comes to a close
The best ever. That’s the conclusion of racers and committee members alike as last Sunday’s two races closed the books on the 2014 Holmes...
Classic 12 meters provided a classic thrill for yacht club members
Columbia and Heritage raced in Island waters and evoked the spirit of the America’s Cup.
Holmes Hole races attract growing interest
Last race of the season is this weekend.
Penelope on track for a golden summer
Mo Flam and his Alerion 28, Penelope, continued on track for their golden summer with their third first-place finish of the season in the...
Thunderstorms, light winds harried Holmes Hole racers
The weather gods toyed with the Holmes Hole fleet this past week. Thursday's race was cancelled due to rain and lightning. And on Sunday...
Holmes Hole results
MIT undergrad Beck Colson made the most of one of his rare summer visits to win the first of two races held last Sunday...
Holmes Hole race results
A dour day of clouds and threatening rain greeted the Holmes Hole fleet for last Sunday's annual race to Robinson's Hole. So the race...
Race to Tarpaulin Cove
Thirteen boats took to the water last Sunday on a glorious post 4th of July and Hurricane Arthur visit to race to Tarpaulin Cove....
Holmes Hole race results
West-Northwest winds and a flooding tide combined to create a tough go on Sunday as the Holmes Hole fleet took to the Sound for...
Felder wins first HHSA Summer Series Race
Charlie Felder, longtime manager at the Vineyard Haven Yacht Club and the co-owner of a new J/70, got the Holmes Hole Sailing Association summer...
Holmes Hole Sailing Association kicks off season
More than 34 skippers and crew took part in the first race of the season.
Flying Bugster sails to Moffett race win
With a steady 15-20 knot wind, the fleet of 40 boats sailed for nearly four hours under beautiful blue skies on Vineyard Sound.|