Mathew Tombers
Around the Bookstore: Christmas Guide
We all have Christmas tribes, people with whom we spend the holiday, maybe family of origin, maybe family of choice. Even before becoming the...
Around the Bookstore: Clock is ticking for summer
And just like that, it’s almost over …
Suddenly, amazingly, summer is winding to an end. And what a summer it has been!
While Kate Feiffer...
Around the bookstore: Summer, a time for catching up …
Well, it’s here, July in all its glory. Back in January, it seemed so far away, so far as to be unimaginable, a chronological...
Around the Bookstore: June reads
Memorial Day morning found me returning to the bookstore from an errand in Vineyard Haven, driving down Beach Road, as I do when I...
Around the Bookstore: Get caught reading
As I write, the day is gray, again, promising rain, again.
Everyone is scurrying around, pressure building, racing to beat the clock. May is upon...
Around the Bookstore: Literary flowers blooming
That old saying “April showers bring May flowers” is true for me. Sitting at the register, looking out at Main Street in April means...
Around the Bookstore: Female authors
March has arrived. There are a few hints of spring, with stretches of gray and rain, and more than a small amount of pummeling...
Around the Bookstore: On vacation
A monger, according to the Oxford dictionary, is a word “denoting a dealer or trader in a specified commodity,” such as a fishmonger.
When I...
Around the bookstore
Watching the Christmas decorations come down on Main Street in Edgartown caused a sigh to slip out; it always seems they come down a...
Around the Bookstore: Gift-giving
It is with disbelief, almost absolute, I realize we are facing the holidays, or, as I often joke in notes to friends, the Holidaze....
Around the Bookstore
Here it is, right in front of us, the Great American Feast, Thanksgiving, the beacon that next comes the gift-giving holidays, a sharing of...
Around the Bookstore
It is unbelievably October, another month slipped away in what seems a headlong race toward the holidays. It is quieter, the summer throngs gone,...
Around the bookstore
One day, just a moment ago, it was Memorial Day weekend. It seemed God turned on the spigot and people flowed into the streets...
Around the Bookstore
In June 2020, I became manager and book buyer for Edgartown Books. The immediate challenge was to fill the shelves as we reopened post-COVID,...
Around the bookstore
According to the Macmillan Dictionary, a beach read is “a book you can take on holiday, which is good enough to keep you engaged,...
Around the Bookstore: The classics are worth revisiting
In the morning and evening, when I go upstairs to turn on or off the lights at the bookstore, I pass our Classics section,...
Around the Bookstore: Oprah’s 100th pick
For many authors, being named as the choice for Oprah’s Book Club is akin to winning an Oscar — a validation, a burst of...
Around the Bookstore: Author Maggie O’Farrell
A few days ago, a customer asked for a recommendation for a good historical novel; I asked whether she had read either “Hamnet” or...
Around the Bookstore: ‘Pineapple Street’
Debuting this week at No. 5 on the NY Times Hardcover Best Seller list is “Pineapple Street,” a first-time book by Jenny Jackson, set...
Around the Writers’ Table: Book recommendations
I am delighted to turn over this week’s Writers’ Table to Mathew Tombers, manager of Edgartown Books. When I asked him for book recommendations...