Saturday, February 8, 2025
Home Islander Profiles Meet the Locals

Meet the Locals

Meet the Brokers

Nya Clarke, Broker/Owner Martha’s Vineyard Island-Wide Realty What got you started in the brokerage business on the Vineyard? I moved back to the Vineyard from a career in design in New York City. In some ways I...

‘From the land’

For more than 12,000 years, members of the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) have called Martha’s Vineyard home. Long before white settlers arrived on the Vineyard, Nantucket, and the Elizabeth Islands, the Wampanoag people...

The Entrepreneurs

India Rose The Sideline Brand 49 Main St., Vineyard Haven 508-685-0484 Tell us about your new business — you opened in November? We opened on Black Friday in this year of COVID. “The Sideline Brand, Luxury sports apparel and...

Meet the Deckers

In some respects, we’re all family on the Vineyard. We’re a diverse group, often fiercely independent, but united and drawn together by the fact that we’ve chosen to live in a place that’s surrounded...

The Gleaners

Collecting excess produce from local farms and distributing it to people in need is not a new concept: It's been going on for centuries. Four Island gleaners give us an inside view to harvesting...

The Handymen

Renato Lacerda My Handyman, Vineyard Haven 508-684-0242; How long have you been working as a handyman on the Vineyard? About twenty years. I started as a painter, and through the years I learned carpentry, tile work, house...

The Florists

Emily Coulter, owner Morrice Florist 149 State Rd., Vineyard Haven 508-693-0392 How did you come to own Morrice Florist? Five years ago, I took over the business. It completely changed my life. I had never worked with flowers —...

The Bakers

Updated July 24 Masters of all things buttery, flaky, sweet, and savory — the bakers of Martha’s Vineyard pride themselves on an exceptional product. The Local spoke with a number of them to see what...

The Architects

Four architects share their processes and passions for building structures on Martha’s Vineyard. Joseph W. Dick, AIA Joseph W. Dick Architecture, Inc. 508-693-1717; Tell us about your work on this West Chop house on the water. I have...

The Electricians

Picture this: It’s a sweltering summer day — the kind where going outside is a task in itself. The humidity soaks your shirt, and the sun crisps any exposed skin. You’re watching mindless television...

The Housecleaners

Four Island housecleaners give The Local a look at their busy industry, from the trials and challenges to the rewards, and to why they choose to clean houses. Maik De Souza and Kristina Kerr A1...

Brewed awakenings: Meet the baristas

These on-the-verge-of-winter mornings don’t start without a fight. Around 8 am, the horrendous chime of my default ringtone wakes me up. I press snooze and re-enter what feels like another REM cycle. Eight minutes...

The Wedding Planners

Four wedding planning firms share their challenges in creating the most beautiful special day for couples on this popular destination — Martha’s Vineyard. Jackie Kane My Vineyard Elopement 508-693-1706; 310-804-1103 Tell us about your special officiating services for weddings. Jackie:...

Why would anyone kiss a fish?

When it comes to gaining an edge to win the Martha’s VIneyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby, you have have to make sure your tackle is in order, study the tide charts, understand what...

The Caretakers

Scott Ellis; Plumbing and Caretaking, Edgartown   What got you started caretaking? I got into caretaking after fixing a house where all the pipes froze and had burst since no one was watching it. I was working...

The Auto Mechanics

Al Noyes, owner, Al Noyes Automotive, Edgartown A father-son Vineyard business I was born and raised in Oak Bluffs, my wife born and raised in Vineyard Haven; we settled in Edgartown. I’m 69 years old, and...

The Fishermen

Steve Amaral, Surfcaster; Derby participant for 71 years, Oak Bluffs What got you started fishing? We all grew up in my father’s fish market, Amaral’s Fish Market in Oak Bluffs. It was the early ’40s. As...

The Volunteers: We’re all in this together

Several busy volunteers speak about their community service and the organization they serve, why they do it, what they get out of it, and why the Island breeds this special activism. Susan Straight, volunteer; Suzan...

The Musicians

Four musicians share stories about how they came to make music their life’s work. Nancy Jephcote, Vineyard Haven Strings teacher, singer, songwriter; guitar and fiddle The Flying Elbows I was lucky — I came from a musical family....

The Shopkeepers

Our Island shops provide us with both needed essentials and luxuries, sparing us the expense and inconvenience of having to travel off-Island. Five local shopkeepers tell us about the challenges of selling to the...