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Home 2010 August

Monthly Archives: August 2010

Bluestem, native to Martha’s Vineyard

August is the time of the most active growth and flowering for a surprising number of our native plants.


The music is wonderful.


Are we really going to get another presidential visit this summer? It seems only fair, since Chelsea Clinton did not get married here as all the rumors swirling around last summer predicted she would.

Martha’s Vineyard Real Estate Transactions: July 19-23, 2010

July 19, Phyllis Yale, Jeffrey Meyer, Rachel Bernstein, Kenneth Daniel and Lauren Brown, trustees of Chilmark Associates, sold a lot on Stonewall Beach to Craig A.

Edgartown’s new farmers market

At the heart of the new Edgartown Farmers' Market is the booth run by the Edgartown School's PTO.

Permanent Endowment is accepting grant applications

The Permanent Endowment for Martha's Vineyard is accepting applications for its fall grant cycle.

Thanks and appreciation

There are no words that can fully express our sincere sympathy and heartfelt condolences to the Dececca family, their friends and the community of Melrose for their loss.


The Sunday doubleheaders at Flanders Field are starting earlier and earlier.

Fishing pier is a wonderful idea

While I am an avid reader of the electronic posts on The Times web site, I usually only comment to clarify misconceptions regarding wastewater issues.

The view from Room 214

War, said the wag, is how Americans learn geography.

Bike path expansion needed

Following the recent bicycle tragedy in Vineyard Haven, there has been increased interest and attention paid on the Island to the issue of bicycle safety.

Not reform at all

Why do we want the state's Wind Energy Siting Reform Act? This act, I believe, was given part of its name — "Reform Act" — to confuse the voters of Massachusetts.

Beryl G. Frey

There will be a celebration of the life of Beryl G.

Mildred H. Bland

Mildred Holland Bland died on July 23.

Island convenience stores

Long gone, at least on this Island, is the convenience store that just offers the quick processed food to go and a gallon of milk.

No help from the vets

I am writing this letter out of sadness as well as anger.

A great surgical experience

I want to say a big thank you for a recent scheduled surgery at the new Martha's Vineyard Hospital.

“The Western Front”

Each of the three films presented this week by Island film societies address issues of manhood, although from very different perspectives.

The Flying Elbows release new CD Pokedelic

Decades ago on the Vineyard, before there was a distinction between "old" and "new" Ag Halls — back when the Agricultural Fair lasted only three days and was held at the West Tisbury Grange — each day culminated at sunset with the Fiddle Contest.