Oak Bluffs


A funny thing happened on my way to Christmas this year. That troublesome bug I caught turned out to be pneumonia so I have had an unplanned three-week vacation. Unfortunately, the only activities offered are coughing and sleeping. At last, I am doing more sleeping than coughing, and I hope to be out and about soon.

Families were busy with visitors and many relatives and students arrived on the Island to celebrate the holidays. Among them were Heather and Leon Holt and their sons, Myles and Lucas, who spent Christmas with Heather’s mom, Ginny Hall. Recently engaged Ashley Rebello and her fiancé, Jared, joined her mother, Lynn Rebello, and siblings James and Joel for the celebrations.

The Martha’s Vineyard Youth Leadership Initiative invites you to participate in their 2nd Annual Job Shadow Day. MVYLI youth will be matched with Vineyard businesses so they have firsthand experience about jobs in their fields of interest. These young people aspire to become architects, economists, engineers, doctors, nurses, physical therapists, small farm lobbyists, environmental scientists, or work in financial services or international relations. Job Shadow Day will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 2, from 2:30 to 5 pm. A reception will be held from 5 to 6 pm. Students and their mentors will share their experience.

Young people who are interested in a first-track Nursing Licensure, LPN, need to meet with Lorna Andrade, RN on Thursday, January 5, at 6 pm in Windemere on the first floor in the Conference room. At this time, she will be discussing with each of you the need to take these preparation courses in: science, math, and test-taking skills before you take the TEAS test for admission.

The West Tisbury Congregational Church Community Suppers begin on Wednesday January 4 at 5:30 pm and will continue every Wednesday through March 28, weather permitting. Please come and join everyone. Side dishes will be gratefully accepted but are not required.

Important dates for the Oak Bluffs School are as follows: January 3, school re-opens; January 6, Community Meeting at 2:10 pm; January 12, Winter String Concert at MVRHS PAC at 6:30 pm; January 16, Martin Luther King Holiday, and school is closed; and January 20, Community Meeting at 2:10 pm.

Grace Church “Winter Lobster Rolls” start next Sunday, Jan. 1, with “New Year’s Lobster Rolls,” from 12 noon until 2 pm. They will also serve Lobster Rolls the first Sunday of February, March, and April. A really fun fundraiser on Saturday, January 7, from 5 to 9 pm where you will be served real fried chicken and Karaoke (with an off-Island entertainer).

Our town bade a long farewell to so many people this year that were special to and loved by someone. So good-bye to Anita Ciancio, Bink deBettencourt, John Downs, Phyllis Garland, Bob Scott, Kay Kenney, Bobbie Ann Gibson, Genevieve Rogers, Jim Dorchester, Bill Bettencourt, Rita Freitas, Kits Blair, Pat Corey, Lisa Cash, Peter Regan Jr., Penny Norris, Rose Treat, Gwendolyn Wharton, Tom DeMont, Arthur Pye, and Peter Devine.

Birthday Smiles to Ava Ben David, Anita Combra, and Claudia Metell on December 31, Jen Araujo and Michelle Bettencourt on January 2, Nola Mavro, Chris Alley, and Nicole deBettencourt on January 3.

This Irish Blessing covers my wishes to you all for a wonderful 2012:May Joy and Peace surround usContentment latch our doorAnd happiness be with us nowAnd bless us evermore.
