With all of the unpleasant news floating everywhere these days, I invite you to enjoy a sweet story that was sent to me by Heidi Dietterich about her parents’ 65th wedding anniversary. I could no way improve on Heidi’s telling, so I am turning this part of the column over to her story.
Heidi wrote: “My parents will be celebrating their 65th wedding anniversary this Saturday, Sept. 23. Their names are Phil and Jane Dietterich, and they have been involved in many Island musical and church venues over the years. My dad is a retired minister of music, from the First United Methodist Church in Westfield, N.J., and he is a choir director and composer. My mom has volunteered over the years with Meals on Wheels and many church events. They have lived in Oak Bluffs for 25 years.
“Their marriage began when they eloped from Ohio Wesleyan University, and they ran away to Indianapolis, where they were married just before midnight on Sept. 23. Dad had had my Mom’s ring engraved with the date of 9/23/52, so they had to be married on that date. One of the witnesses to their marriage was the taxicab driver to the cathedral in Indianapolis. Mom was 18, and Dad had just turned 21. My mom’s father hired a private investigator to find them after they ran away from college. The families were very upset, as well you can imagine! Needless to say, they did return to school, and completed their educations. However, what a wonderful love story their marriage has turned out to be.”
Thank you, Heidi, for sharing this beautiful story with all of us.
Beach cleanup day in Oak Bluffs will be this Saturday, Sept. 23, from 8:30 to 10:30 am. The area to be cleaned is from the SSA Wharf to Inkwell Beach. If it should rain, then the cleanup is planned for the next day, Sunday. And a tasty treat is in store for all beach cleaners, as there will be free coffee and doughnuts provided by the MV Gourmet Cafe and Bakery.
Help support the fundraising efforts of the Oak Bluffs School PTO and students who are doing a Mixed Bag Fundraiser. This is their biggest fundraiser of the year, and the money raised will go toward buying school supplies for kids, projects around the school, and supporting teachers and students in the building.
Mixed Bag offers wrapping paper, small gifts, bags, and other fun gift items for family members and friends. For more information, you may contact a student at the school, or Jen Wiggin at jj2542wiggin@hotmail.com.
Coming attractions at our Oak Bluffs Public Library include Conch Fishing and Cooking with Chef Deon on Thursday, Sept. 28, from 5 to 7 pm, a Coast Guard visit and kids’ Scrimshaw Soap Carving on Saturday the 30th from 10:30 to 11:30 am, and Women and the Sea: Songs with Debra Cowan, also on the 30th, from 5 to 7 pm.
Time to celebrate fall and school at the Community BBQ, Wednesday, Sept. 27, at the school playground from 5:30 to 7 pm. All pre-K through grade 8 families are invited to join together for a potluck BBQ sponsored by the PTO. Bring a blanket to sit on and a dish to share with at least 10 people. Please follow the suggested list: Pre-K and K chips, grade1 appetizer, grade 2 salad, grade 3 side dish, grade 4 fruit for dessert, grades 5 through 8 family choice. The PTO will provide hot dogs, condiments, drinks, and paper products. The BBQ will be held in the cafeteria if it is raining.
Senator Julian Cyr and Representative Dylan Fernandes will pay a special visit to Federated Church, on Sunday, Sept. 24, at 10:30 am. A special resolution was passed by the Massachusetts State Legislature, honoring the Federated Church and recognizing its 375 years of continuous worship on Martha’s Vineyard. Everyone is welcome to attend to hear the proclamation read at 10:30 am, and those who would like to stay for the service are certainly welcome. Federated Church is located on 45 South Summer St. in Edgartown. For more information, call 508-627-4421, or email admin@federatedchurchmv.org.
“An Afternoon at the Opera,” the latest installment of the Music in the Chapel concert series at Stevens Chapel, Unitarian Universalist Society in Vineyard Haven, will be held on Sunday, Oct. 1 at 3 pm. Jenny Friedman and David Behnke will perform solos and duets by Mozart, Verdi, Donizetti, and many more composers, accompanied by Griffin McMahon, the music director at St. Andrew’s Church. The musicians are donating their talent for the purpose of helping to fund the chapel’s sorely needed renovation. The suggested donation is $15, and a reception will follow the concert. For more info, contact Diane Purvis at 508-696-6328.
We send birthday smiles to Alice June Thompson on Sept. 22, Kenny Davey, Ann Metell, and Annabelle Metell on the 24th, Dustin Shaw on the 25th, Susie Wallo on the 26th, Dennis Rose, Lauren Metell, and Keilla Geddis on the 27th, and Martin Moreis and Zachary Mathias on the 28th.
Enjoy your week. Peace.