Boch Park easement delayed

The Boch family is proposing to build a park on this empty lot at 20 Beach Road. — Stacey Rupolo

Tisbury board of selectmen have put off approving a sewer easement for Boch Park, the private park fenced off and ready for construction at 20 Beach Road in Vineyard Haven.

The sewer easement was on the board’s agenda Tuesday, Nov. 21, but chairman Larry Gomez said no decision was made while the town continues to explore its options.

“We would like to talk with their people before we give the go-ahead,” Mr. Gomez told The Times. “Speaking for myself, it would be nice to get some public benefit, some quid pro quo from allowing the easement.”

Selectmen have been outspoken critics of the proposed private park, saying they’d like to see a way for the park to be open to the public. Ernie Boch Jr. has told The Times that liability issues prevent the park from having open access.

Plans for the park have been approved by the Tisbury conservation commission. The park would include flower gardens, trees, a compass rose hardscape area, as well as grass, according to the plans on file. A stockade fence is planned on the sides, a rod-iron gate on the front and back to keep the views unobstructed, and a boardwalk will be built near the beach.

Construction on the park began earlier this month with tree and shrub removal, and the area has been secured with a temporary chain link fence posted with “no trespassing” signs.


  1. If the town wants this property so much, why don’t they just take it by Eminent Domain? Oh, but wait..then they would have to pay for it.

  2. A decent definition of corruption is “to what degree to the outcomes change when you change applicants?”

    Boch may have deep pockets, but he has the same rights as any of us. That Tisbury is seeking a “quid pro quo” for something that they should merely approve, is an embarrassment.

  3. Vineyard Haven officials are an embarrassment. They continue to want to take, take, take, but give nothing, approve nothing. The Stop & Shop is ugly. The affordable housing units are ugly and squashed in a small space. Once again, what do new visitors think when they drive off the boat. Maybe we should build a beautiful Golden Gate Bridge that skips over 5 corners.

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