Fluoride isn’t worth the cost

The voters of Edgartown will decide whether the town public water supply should be fluoridated during the annual town election next week. — Courtesy Pexels

To the Editor:

The proponents of fluoridation are asking the good people of Edgartown to believe that water fluoridation is so beneficial to teeth that we should ignore all evidence of neurotoxicity; all concerns regarding possible environmental and resource degradation should also be dismissed, as well as any concerns regarding the ethics of medicating a public water supply.

Fluoride occurs naturally in water as calcium fluoride, and even in this natural form there are naturally occurring levels in water which are considered to be toxic, and safe concentration standards continue to be adjusted downward.

It is a fact that all three of the compounds used to artificially fluoridate water are waste products of either aluminum smelting or phosphate fertilizer manufacturing. These compounds are not pharmaceutical grade, and there is nothing “natural” about any of the three, and yet fluoridation proponents continue to insist that fluoride is natural. This is true only in the broadest possible sense, in that these compounds do not come from outer space, but no competent researcher is ever going to equate the bioactivity of sodium fluoride, fluorosilicic acid, or fluorosilicate with that of calcium fluoride, and it is insulting that fluoride proponents continue to use this transparent fallacy as a selling point.

We are also being asked to believe that delivering a medication without being able to control the dosage or the target, while violating our human right to informed consent, is somehow effective and progressive public health policy. To me, that sounds Orwellian, rather than progressive.

And even though only an estimated 0.5 percent of water provided to users is actually consumed by humans, proponents of fluoride wish us to believe that fluoridation of a water system is an efficient and economical means of delivering fluoride. With an estimated initial capital cost of $640K, make no mistake, the only parties that come out ahead in this scheme are the manufacturers and installers of the fluoridation equipment, the engineers and, last, but certainly not least, the industries that have been given the means by which to profitably dispose of their toxic waste. If Edgartown voters are indeed inclined to dabble in government-sponsored health care, I’m sure we can come up with many other more effective ways of putting $640K to good use.

A list of highly trained medical professionals attaching their names to a statement fraught with logical and scientific fallacies only serves to underscore the limitations of that training, and illustrates, instead, their utter absence of humility and scientific objectivity.

In closing, I encourage the voters of Edgartown to support the work of the Edgartown water department and the water commissioners in their continuing efforts to provide the people of our town with a water supply that is clean and unadulterated. We can best show our appreciation and support of those efforts by voting no on Question 6 on April 12.


Aushra Galley



  1. Fluoridation is unethical, immoral (forced on EVERYONE) and science now proves it is ineffective for teeth and dangerous to health.

    In addition it is the most uneconomical method to distribute any drug/chemical. People drink less than 1% of the water delivered to them So 99% is flushed down the drain in washers, toilets, washing the dog, etc.
    Over 99% of the money communities spend on fluoride is flushed directly down the drain.
    It is an absolute waste of tax money.

    • Here are reports by four dentists on the dangers of fluoride. There are many more just like them.
      “The evidence that fluoride is more harmful than beneficial is now overwhelming… fluoride may be destroying our bones, our teeth, and our overall health.” – Dr. Hardy Limeback BSc, PhD, DDS, former President of Canadian Association of Dental Research, former head of Preventative Dentistry at the Univ of Toronto, 2006 National Research Council panelist (2007)

      “If teeth are the only reason why you like fluoride, you better come up with a different reason. Fluoride hurts teeth, bones, brain, nerves, etc.” – Michael Taras, DMD, FAGD (2015)
      “When I looked at the research, it was like a knee in the gut. My bias was I thought (fluoridation) was safe and effective because I had not looked at the research.” – Dr. Bill Osmunson, DDS, MPH (2016)
      “Fluorides make the germs in the mouth sick, and they’ll make the kid sick, too.” – Dr. David Kennedy DDS MPH, 3rd generation dentist and past president of IAOMT (2016)

      • And the American Dental Association (ADA) has 161,000 dentist members.

        Mark E Rongone DDS FAGD : Fluorine, a natural element in the fluoride compound, has proven to be effective in minimizing childhood cavities and tooth decay. Fluoride is a key ingredient in many popular brands of toothpaste, oral gel, and mouthwash, and can also be found in most community water supplies.

        William Moskowitz DDS FAGD : Fluoride is the most effective agent available to help prevent tooth decay. It is a mineral that is naturally present in varying amounts in almost all foods and water supplies. The benefits of fluoride have been well known for over 50 years and are supported by many health and professional organizations.

        Gustavo A Garces DMD FAGD : For decades, fluoride has been held in high regard by the dental community as an important mineral that is absorbed into and strengthens tooth enamel, thereby helping to prevent decay of tooth structures. In nearly every U.S. community, public drinking supplies are supplemented with sodium fluoride because the practice is acknowledged as safe and effective in fighting cavities.

        Eugene Schmidt DDS MAGD FACD : Fluoride is the most effective agent available to help prevent tooth decay. It is a mineral that is naturally present in varying amounts in almost all foods and water supplies. The benefits of fluoride have been well known for over 50 years and are supported by many health and professional organizations.

        Michael Mabry DDS MAGD : Fluoride is a mineral that is essential to the health of your teeth and body. Unfortunately, the human body doesn’t naturally produce this mineral on its own, so it is important to ensure that you are getting it through your diet. This mineral helps your body replace the tooth enamel that can be lost over time and is essential in preventing tooth decay. Fluoride helps to strengthen the teeth, making them more resistant to bacterial attacks and acid erosion.

        Ash Kaushesh DDS MAGD MaCSD DDOCS DABOI/ID : For decades, fluoride has been held in high regard by the dental community as an important mineral that strengthens tooth enamel, which thereby helps to prevent decay of tooth structures. Water fluoridation is endorsed by nearly every major health and safety-related organization in the world.

    • Smarts, in the absence of critical thinking, just creates indoctrinated zealots. And then there are smart people who are arrogant, self-serving opportunists. So smart, in and of itself, is really not much of a recommendation.

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