Barnes ordered to stop renting rooms

Tisbury selectmen play hardball with his used car license.

The building inspector says Clarence ("Trip") Barnes must stop renting rooms in this building at 300 State Road.

At a meeting Tuesday night, the Tisbury board of selectmen easily approved annual common victualer’s and alcohol licenses for dozens of Island businesses. But when it came time to approve Class II auto dealer licenses, the board stalled like an old, tired Ford.

Ultimately, selectmen tabled action on Barnes Truck Sales, the 300 State Rd. business owned by Clarence (“Trip”) Barnes III.

Selectman Jeff Kristal said there are “too many outstanding enforcement issues,” with chair Melinda Loberg adding the business is in “noncompliance.”

With no one making a motion to approve the license, Loberg told town administrator Jay Grande it would be tabled, with the hopes that Barnes would take steps to come into compliance with town regulations.

“I have no arguments,” selectman Jim Rogers said.

According to town records, during inspections last month prompted by an anonymous tip, the building department, fire department, and health department found Barnes had eight illegal apartments at the building — four of them in a basement where space heaters were in use, there were not enough smoke detectors, and other code violations were cited. In a letter Dec. 31, building inspector Ross Seavey ordered him to “immediately cease” renting rooms.

Barnes, reached by phone Wednesday morning, was upset with the selectmen’s inaction on his used car dealer’s license. “That’s the first I heard about it,” he said. “I can’t [expletive] believe it.”

Barnes said his building has historically been a place to rent to people who need a hand up. He said it was the precursor to the Vineyard House, and he still operates it in that way. “This is not a change of use. It’s been going on and on and on,” he said. “This is a disgrace. I’m not making any money on any of this.”

The building is too old to bring up to code, Barnes said. He’s begun the process of asking people to leave, and some of the tenants are pushing back. “I haven’t figured out what I’m going to do,” he said.

Barnes, the elected representative of the Martha’s Vineyard Commission from Tisbury, said the town orders are a particular smack in the face because of some of the things he’s done for the town without compensation. He said he allowed access to Evelyn Way for a sewer line without seeking any money. Later, he allowed access over his land for water pipes, he said. “I didn’t learn my lesson,” he said. “Now that I need help, no one is asking, ‘What can I do to help Trip?’”

Seavey’s letter states there is no pre-existing use for apartments for transients, and that under a 1991 agreement with the town, Barnes was supposed to use the building as a personal residence and office space. In order to have apartments, Barnes would have to seek a special permit which would require bringing the building up to building codes and dealing with a septic system issue, according to a separate board of health letter.

In a follow-up interview, Seavey said he met with Barnes after sending the letter about building codes and permits that were necessary. “I tried to offer him advice on how to do so,” he said.

Seavey’s letter asks Barnes to contact the building department or the health department when the basement bedrooms are removed so a follow-up inspection can be scheduled. “If we do not hear from you by Jan. 17, 2020, a follow-up inspection will occur on Monday, Jan. 20, 2020, at 9 am,” the letter states.


  1. Oh, Trip. The rules apply to you, too. You’re fairly well off — don’t be complicit with running a fire trap – either get with it on current codes or get out of the rental business. This isn’t about you and the town out to get you. It’s about what you’re doing. And you can change that.

  2. Times have changed. Affordable housing groups would love to but this place and do it right and safe. Trip, please contact IHT to discuss accomplishing your goal of providing housing. Let the professionals do it and it will be permitted and safe.

  3. Well those who know know. We know Trip is a Godsend to islanders needing a hand up. I have friends whose lives were save and directly related to Trip. This is a shame and the new building inspector has payback in his heart. When Inspector Barqick was there he always worked with everyone including Trip especially because the gave back so much. now, Trips life of altruism is under attack by jealous people acalingbthe political ladder. shame. we’re praying for you Trip and those people who will soon be displaced and homeless because of this.

    • He has a rooming house, including rooms in a basement, where there are space heaters plugged into outlets. Besides that is there legal exits in case of fire – you know – caused by the space heaters? This isn’t payback, this is about saving lives. If there were a fire, and people did lose their lives, then who is to blame? Wouldn’t the town have some liability now that they know about an illegal situation? The town officials are simply doing their jobs, and should be commended.

      • payback by a new inspector 100% jealousy yep clear. trip is an island institution AND if his rooms were so dangers then why didnt ken or the health agents EVER do ANYTHING? vendetta

  4. There are good people and then there’s that guy who runs the fire department and the one who used to run the Chilmark PD.

    The measure of a man…

  5. It is not about anyone making money or being a good citizen and giving opportunities, it is a safety issue. Tisbury narrowly avoided national news last winter with a fire in an overcrowded rental situation on Franklin. Please just fix it.

  6. Seems to me the BOS didn’t get their way when they went after him for not being a resident after a disgruntled former employee ‘complained’ (very much like the Ben Robinson situation). Now they are going to try again with an island icon. Seems to me the BOS has an unpublished agenda with residents they don’t like. What do bedrooms have to do with his ability to sell cars. Just another cheap shot by the BOS!

  7. Seems to be more of a hostel than a boarding house. He should abide by the same rules the hostel in west tisbury has. Trip said he dont profit from this.

  8. Unbelievable that some people believe The regulations shouldn’t apply to Tripp because “oh well, he’s a nice guy”. CO and smoke detectors and other safety standards are there for a reason: to save lives. Stop being stupid.

  9. Call Trip and ask for a tour. Place is clean , safe with smoke detectors and other safety standards two kitchens, two bathrooms, 8 bedrooms , no apartments. I agree with 2 inch fangs, what does renting have to do with selling cars ??????

  10. Go to the town’s website, and click on Licenses and Permits. The only license you cannot see the application online for is the Class II license? It’s the only link that isn’t working. Are we targeting Mr. Barnes for a particular reason? More business=more revenue for the town. This is insane and TWO different issues.

  11. Targeting Trip? He’s illegally running a slum house. Right. Thank you all for bringing this situation to light to hopefully save a life

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