28 new COVID cases Friday

Vaccine sign up for those over 16 begins Saturday.

COVID-19 vaccines -Jeremy Driesen

The Martha’s Vineyard boards of health reported 28 new cases of COVID-19 Friday for a total of 68 since Sunday.

Due to the rise in confirmed cases over the past two weeks, the boards of health are publishing new confirmed cases each day and will release an expanded report on Mondays. 

Of Friday’s new cases, 21 were from the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital and seven from TestMV.

The rise in cases over the past three weeks comes as the state is expanding vaccine eligibility to everyone over the age of 16. Eligibility expands on Patriot’s Day, April 19. Appointments for those over the age of 16 can be booked on Saturday, April 17, at 8 am via the hospital website. Only 400 appointments will be opened on Saturday.

Following Saturday, additional appointments will be available on Monday April 19, at 5 pm.

The hospital has administered a total of more than 14,000 COVID-19 vaccines — 8,375 first doses and 6,341 second doses.

The hospital is also conducting its own testing for COVID variants. Last week, hospital officials confirmed three cases of the B.117 COVID variant, known as the U.K. variant, have been detected on the Island. Additional samples are being tested for the P.1 variant from individuals that recently traveled to Brazil.


  1. come on people–are we supposed to believe this B. S? Come on — if there were really 28 cases in one day on this island, Andrew Engelman would be wrong with his assertion that the pandemic is “over” . Since he is god’s self appointed speaker about all things concerning everything, and is presumably infallible , this headline is wrong.
    Or—this headline is true— and you know who is a you know what–I await the irrepressible Andrew Engelman to tell me there is a smidgen of a chance that there are that many cases on this island.
    In the meantime-for those among us who have a grip on reality – the reality is that this disease is still a serious problem.. It is not “over”
    Take precautions– please.

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