At the recommendation of the town’s energy committee, Edgartown is forming a climate committee to focus on adapting to climate change and mitigating its effects.
Alan Strahler, chair of the town’s energy committee, made the recommendation to the select board at their meeting Monday.
“As you know, climate change is upon us, the Island and the town. We are feeling the effects already: air temperatures and ocean water temperatures are rising, our winters are warmer, our summers are hotter,” Strahler said.
While Edgartown is working on adaptation and mitigation, Stahler said town residents play an important role as well.
The town climate committee will work with town departments to promote climate change adaptation efforts, make other residents aware of studies and data, and advocate homeowner and building preparedness.
Town administrator James Hagerty agreed that the town has worked to adapt to climate change, but that a committee to help pursue grant opportunities and look at long-term planning would be valuable to the town.
Strahler proposed the committee be made up of five to seven volunteers. Hagerty said he will advertise the volunteer positions over the next two weeks.
Are long time seasonal residents eligible to participate in this effort? I know many that would like to contribute their time and energy.
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